Little Joey Sunshine – IOTW Report

Little Joey Sunshine

Patriot Retort –

Remember when they were telling us that once a vaccine was available we’ll have turned a corner? Well, according to Little Joey Sunshine, we have turned a corner. Only, we turned down a dark and dreary alley where danger lurks behind every dumpster. more

14 Comments on Little Joey Sunshine

  1. They’re not going to let up until they -the real PTB of the world- have accomplished their purpose and it no longer serves any useful purpose to them.

    That could take a while, so get used to it for now.

  2. The only corner is the one they painted themselves into.

    They lambasted Trump for being positive about Covid whilemthey were impeaching him. He Lied To The People(tm)!

    He should have told everyone that we are all going to die. We have nothing to fear but the eternal void of our certain, painful demise. I think Roosevelt said that.

    Without Covid, they can’t enact their unconstitutional agenda. It is absolutely necessary that it remain to enable every power grab they’ve fantasized about.

    That corner ain’t ever getting turned. Like Animal Farm, somebody’s going to keep sabotaging the construction of the glorious windmill. I’ll let you guess who.

    The people who don’t support unlimited funding of their little windmills in every state and city.

  3. Sharia Law would be bad to live under but at least it is a written code of law so there’s no surprises. Covid Law is completely open ended and knows no boundaries whatsoever. We are living under Covid Law. And the Left really likes it.


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