Nearly Two-Thirds of Georgia Counties Fail to Produce Chain of Custody Documents for 460,000 Absentee Ballots – IOTW Report

Nearly Two-Thirds of Georgia Counties Fail to Produce Chain of Custody Documents for 460,000 Absentee Ballots

And what is anyone doing about it?

This is maddening. These stories are everywhere, yet the DOJ does nothing and lawsuits are swatted away and the media rolls eyes at anyone that points to these facts.

It’s Kafka. Maybe that is what Covfefe meant.

Tennessee Star-

With eleven days until Georgia’s U.S. runoff election, a large majority of the state’s counties have failed to produce chain of custody documents for some 460,000 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes that were counted in the state’s November 3 general election as requested by The Georgia Star News.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified that Democrat Joe Biden edged out President Trump by a thin majority and as a result, Mr. Biden received all 16 votes cast by Democrat electors when the Electoral College convened in the 50 state capitals on Monday.

Of the roughly 5 million votes cast in the November 3 election, election officials report that more than 1.3 million were by absentee ballots. In the current tally, Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential contest by 11,779 votes – or just 0.235 percent.

A poll of likely voters in Georgia conducted by John McLaughlin and Associates found that 26 percent of respondents said they voted absentee. When the pollster asked the absentee voters if they mailed or deposited their ballot in a drop box, 53 percent said they mailed their ballot, representing about 700,000 votes; and 46 percent – representing 600,000 votes – said they used drop boxes.

In the two weeks since The Georgia Star News first reported no chain of custody ballot transfer forms have been produced for the more than 500,000 of the 600,000 drop box absentee ballots cast, the 159 counties in the state have made little progress producing the documents. Furthermore, the Secretary of State has shown no interest in providing any assistance to require the counties fulfill the open record requests.

In order to account for the secure whereabouts for absentee ballots left in drop boxes across the state, the Georgia Election Code Emergency Rule approved by State Election Board on July 1, 2020, required that every county is responsible for documenting the transfer of every batch of absentee ballots picked up at drop boxes and delivered to the county election offices with ballot transfer forms. The forms are required to be signed and dated, with time of pick up by the collection team upon pick up, and then signed, dated, with time of delivery by the registrar or designee upon receipt and accepted.


9 Comments on Nearly Two-Thirds of Georgia Counties Fail to Produce Chain of Custody Documents for 460,000 Absentee Ballots

  1. MORE than 2 Million votes cast.
    But how many were actual voters?

    According to some deep digging. GA has 7,233,584 registered voters in a state with a population of 10.62 million (2019)..

    Only shows 6,017,219 of voting age (18yrs and older)

    So it seems according to US / GA OFFICIAL DATA we suddenly have gained 1,216,365 18+yr old voters just for this election year??????

  2. The chain of custody was quite simple:
    Receive some ballots
    Photocopy like hell
    Pay a couple flunkies to put their mark on Joe Biden & ignore the rest of the down ballot
    Hide the Boxes of these ballots under a few desks
    Run said ballots through machines several times

    All while the rigged vote machines siphon 4 to 10 % electronically which still was not enough.


  3. Georgia and any state that can’t produce documentation should be disqualified from participating in the election. Their votes should no be counted at all, and their electors should be dismissed. Disenfranchised? Yes. They have screwed their populations out of voting for President, but maybe next time the honest people will run things.

  4. If I am required to account and document every penny associated with my income and precisely prepare my tax returns each year to avoid relentless IRS audits and possible jail time then the election process should he held to the exact same level of scrutiny.

  5. The wide open vote theft followed by arrogant disdain for those who seek redress will not help the Left. Rather, it is building massive grievance and resentment that will not be assuaged by calls for peace and brotherhood from the thieves who just tried to steal our country.
    The President looks to be the last safety switch holding back a huge and very angry populace. The Left better pray nothing happens to him between now and his inauguration.


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