Gingrich Will Never Accept a Biden Presidency – Millions Feel the Same – IOTW Report

Gingrich Will Never Accept a Biden Presidency – Millions Feel the Same


Having spent more than four years watching the left #Resist President Donald Trump and focus entirely on undoing and undermining the 2016 election, it took me several days to understand the depth of my own feelings.

As I thought about it, I realized my anger and fear were not narrowly focused on votes. My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything I had experienced in more than 60 years involvement in public affairs.

The challenge is that I — and other conservatives — are not disagreeing with the left within a commonly understood world. We live in alternative worlds.

The left’s world is mostly the established world of the forces who have been dominant for most of my life.

My world is the populist rebellion which believes we are being destroyed, our liberties are being cancelled and our religions are under assault. (Note the new Human Rights Campaign to decertify any religious school which does not accept secular sexual values — and that many Democrat governors have kept casinos open while closing churches though the COVID-19 pandemic.) We also believe other Democrat-led COVID-19 policies have enriched the wealthy while crushing middle class small business owners (some 160,000 restaurants may close).

In this context, let’s talk first about the recent past and the presidency.

In 2016, I supported an outsider candidate, who was rough around the edges and in the Andrew Jackson school of controversial assaults on the old order. When my candidate won, it was blamed on the Russians. We now know (four years later) Hillary Clinton’s own team financed the total lie that fueled this attack.

Members of the FBI twice engaged in criminal acts to help it along — once in avoiding prosecution of someone who had deleted 33,000 emails and had a subordinate use a hammer to physically destroy hard drives, and a second time by lying to FISA judges to destroy Gen. Michael Flynn and spy on then-candidate Donald Trump and his team. The national liberal media aided and abetted every step of the way. All this was purely an attempt to cripple the new president and lead to the appointment of a special counsel — who ultimately produced nothing.

Now, people in my world are told it is time to stop resisting and cooperate with the new president. But we remember that the Democrats wanted to cooperate with Mr. Trump so much that they began talking about his impeachment before he even took office. The Washington Post ran a story on Democrat impeachment plots the day of the inauguration.

In fact, nearly 70 Democratic lawmakers boycotted his inauguration. A massive left-wing demonstration was staged in Washington the day after, where Madonna announced she dreamed of blowing up the White House to widespread applause. These same forces want me to cooperate with their new president. I find myself adopting the Nancy Pelosi model of constant resistance. Nothing I have seen from Mr. Biden since the election offers me any hope that he will reach out to the more than 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump.

So, I am not reacting to the votes so much as to the whole election environment.

When Twitter and Facebook censored the oldest and fourth largest newspaper (founded by Alexander Hamilton) because it accurately reported news that could hurt Mr. Biden’s chances — where were The New York Times and The Washington Post?

The truth of the Hunter Biden story is now becoming impossible to avoid or conceal. The family of the Democrat nominee for president received at least $5 million from an entity controlled by our greatest adversary. It was a blatant payoff, and most Americans who voted for Mr. Biden never heard of it — or were told before the election it was Russian disinformation. Once they did hear of it, 17% said they would have switched their votes, according to a poll by the Media Research Center. That’s the entire election. The censorship worked exactly as intended.

Typically, newspapers and media outlets band together when press freedom is threatened by censorship. Where was the sanctimonious “democracy dies in darkness?” Tragically, The Washington Post is now part of the darkness.

But this is just a start. When Twitter censors four of five Rush Limbaugh tweets in one day, I fear for the country.

more at WashingtonTimes

9 Comments on Gingrich Will Never Accept a Biden Presidency – Millions Feel the Same

  1. There were millions that never accepted a Trump Presidency either.

    We are a divided nation, there is no reconciliation to it, and a house divided against itself cannot stand.

    The end of our nation is here, it won’t take long now.

  2. Representative government depends on our leaders having to please the voters in order to be reelected. When they have no fear due to rigged elections, they will do what is in their best interests at the expense of the public. Therefore we have no choice but to resist.

  3. I have been expecting this for years since there was no follow through after Reagan.

    I have somewhat lost hope for the country formerly known as “The United States of America.”

    However, after years of searching for another country and struggling with a desire not to abandon our children and grandchildren I see there is no satisfactory alternative.

    Resistance, armed, if necessary, is our only defense.

    And, I would point out that cowardice is rarely, if ever, a successful strategy.

    Just sayin’

  4. Election fraud, country split in two, yada, yada, yada

    Doesn’t anyone else hate to hell all the no good, self-enriching arrogant SOB career politicians??

    Flush the goddamn stables! Swamp. Whatever.

  5. Refusing to accept Biden as POTUS is a pointless meaningless exercise in mental masturbation. Just as millions of commie leftists refused to “accept Trump”.
    Doing so doesn’t change a damn thing. The left DOES NOT CARE if we don’t accept Biden as POTUS….He (or more likely Kamala the Kommie) will STILL be in the cat bird seat, in power and capable of doing untold damage to America. We can’t simply refuse to accept Biden as POTUS. We have to PREVENT HIM and his accomplices from EVER ACHIEVING THAT GOAL. Anytbing short of that means the end of the America we grew up in.


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