John Solomon: Joe Biden’s dirty trip to Kiev – IOTW Report

John Solomon: Joe Biden’s dirty trip to Kiev

Memos show Hunter’s concerted strategy to leverage Joe Biden’s trip to Kiev to score Burisma deal.

14 Comments on John Solomon: Joe Biden’s dirty trip to Kiev

  1. Sadly, I think that Donald John Trump’s amazing journey into the Deep State is over. He’s been ratfucked. His supporters are doubled ratfucked and the constitutional republic has been stolen in plain daylight.

    Prove to me that I am wrong.

    It’s now the communist states of soros.

    Soros has stolen country after country. Nobody has defeated him. This devil manages to get his way everywhere he releases his serpents. Why?

    It’s time.

  2. PHenry
    DECEMBER 27, 2020 AT 10:31 PM

    “…Soros has stolen country after country. Nobody has defeated him. This devil manages to get his way everywhere he releases his serpents. Why?”

    “And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.”
    Daniel 11:36

  3. @PHenry – what you said. Couldn’t have said it better.

    The inherent greed of human politicians and corporate oligarchs has been exploited by the CCP, and we are doomed as a result.

  4. What you tolerate; you get.

    Give the rats run of the house and they’ll eat your substance, shit and piss in the flour, and spread disease.

    We have allowed them to run unchecked and now we’re beginning to reap the harvest of our apathy.

    It’s an old story. Started about 10,000 years ago – and we’ve learned NOTHING!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It’s not over! At least not in the sense that Biden and henchmen are going to get away with this.
    I see a storm of unrest beginning to rear up from all sides.
    Civil disobedience is going to be widespread and it’s just a matter of which incident touches off the powder keg.
    People have reached the wall and the push back is going to be shocking.


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