iOTW experiment – Virtual Meet – IOTW Report

iOTW experiment – Virtual Meet

Reader, Roger F, has approached me with an interesting idea. In light of our community’s efforts to hold meet and greets, Roger has suggested a virtual meet on Zoom.

Topic: Is anyone interested in a virtual meet for the new year?

I am willing to set up a Zoom meeting for tonight (Wednesday, 12/30/2020) for anyone that wants to attend.

All you have to do is connect to this link at 7pm Eastern time.

Feel free to use whatever alias you want, and video is optional.

Let’s give it a whirl.

91 Comments on iOTW experiment – Virtual Meet

  1. Zoom is easy. Yes, it does have some security issues.
    All you have to do is click on the link and it will open in your browser. If you have the app on a tablet or smartphone, that will work as well.
    You may have to register an email address, so for those who want to be anonymous, use a second email, or create one for the meeting.

  2. President Elect Dadof4 December 30, 2020 at 10:09 am

    Not ever doing Zoom. WTF? Doesn’t anyone care that it reports all meetings back to the CCP?

    We Zoom with DH sister who lives in Buffalo, NY. Did you know that anything you say on line, on the phone, etc., is recorded. It’s almost impossible to get anything taken off the internet that you had second thoughts about. I think it’s a great idea! Do I have to get doodied up? There’s no hair salons open….I know!!! I’ll wear my Red Trump Mega hat, that’ll really set off any liberals watching. Don’t live your life in fear!

  3. I don’t know what Zoom is and I don’t have a computer camera, so how do we “virtually” communicate? I assume I still have to type?
    Forgive my ignorance, but how is that more better than what we’re doing now?

    (I’m not just being obtuse, I really am this ignorant)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Don’t know how to Zoom, but I really don’t like the idea of having more of my personal life broadcast to whomever is listening.

    I know we all take a risk by talking on the phone, texting, commenting here, Tweeting or Facebooking and driving in our cars, so if there is a way to at least attempt to keep some anonymity, you’ll have to let us know.

  5. @Claudia, It is easy to set up an anonymous email account and create a zoom ID with only the details you are willing to share. I have 3 John Smith accounts that I normally use for most web stuff

  6. Rats. I would love to ZOOM in tonight but I have other committed plans.

    Would somebody attending kindly please tell the Chinks they stink for me? My first thought was to tell them that they suck diseased dog dicks, but then realized that those would be considered a delicacy to those bastards.

  7. Will we be trading recipes?
    (and no edit available)
    I’ll start…
    .45 AUTO RIM
    HC 185 GR. SWC 4.7 RED DOT (HC = Hard Cast)
    Accurate and easy on the hands…


    Amusing and use the bullets sized .0005 to .001 above the number you get after slugging the barrel.
    Your 1917 will become suprizingly accurate…

  8. Would love to join, especially as I’m not likely to get to any real ones soon. (Teenager finishing senior year; college tuition looms.)

    However, I’m a working stiff until 4:30, which is 8:30 EC time. (It’s still only 09:22 here!)

  9. For those who can’t, or won’t, turn on the cameras, I will not be offended. I cannot even get my students to turn on theirs, and they know everyone else. I will have mine on (just warning you, so I hope I do not scare too many people away)

  10. My girlfriend is always using the webcam, I can’t figure it out. Yesterday she bought a new Mercedes, paid for it all by herself. I’m not sure how she got that much money. Another thing I can’t figure out.

  11. I hope this turns out well because then maybe it can happen again ~ and if it does happen again, can we maybe do it on a weekend? Alaska is four hours behind the EC and during the week I won’t ever be able to do 7 Eastern 😭

    Unless, of course you do it on Alaska Day, when we have a holiday and you lot don’t! 🥳

  12. I just got home from work and saw this thread. It’s a great idea, but it’s kind of short notice. How about scheduling it out a couple of days in advance.

    You know, this might be a good idea to do a regular zoom session.

  13. Wait a second, you guys are saying I can go on zoom with a horrible Chinaman accent, tell horrible Chinese jokes and generally insult Chiner….and Winnie the Pooh has to listen to all of it?


  14. I love to look at this website almost daily as you are very quick to post things, unlike CTH which is apparently really great but usually over my head and slow with news IMO. I just do not want anything but privacy and don’t even use FB anymore, and when I did I did not have much on it. I am looking for quick news and I enjoy the personalities and the Sunday animals, have listened to U S and Eh a couple times. So thanks but no thanks at least right now.

  15. @ah so Aaron

    How many Biden’s does it take to screw a constitutional republic?

    When China deployed Fang Fang to seduce the backbencher Democrat, did they promise, “you’ll earn a fortune, cookie.”?

    Sorry. I’m bored with the China jokes already.

    Somebody take over.

  16. Ah-so Aaron say, “Bombing of China start in 5 minute.” Zoom say, “Ah-so, sum ting wong?” Xi and Sum Dum Fuk say, “We no like you, you die now!” Ah-so Aaron say, “Suk muk duk!” Zoom put virus on computer and cut Ah-so Aaron off. Ah-so Aaron Social Credit Score: minus eleventy.

  17. Or you could all just Zoom up to my cottage north east of Parry Sound Ontario and we could Zoom around the lake on the Pontoon or Zoom around in the fishing boat or i could drop you off deep in the bush and you could Zoom around with the Bears and Moose,however i believe most here would be good with lolling about on the deck and waiting to see what the smoker produces while having their favourite soda.
    Serious inquires only.

  18. That was very, um, interesting. I had technical issues with pc going blue screen TWICE. The first time it happened I ran a cleaner(hadnt done that for a week or so)and it said i had 3500 trackers. Geez. So i flushed them out and logged back in. It went blue again. At the time i only had iotw up on Brave browser and the zoom ap going. So i ran CCleaner again and had 90 trackers on the pc. 90 trackers and all i had open was iotw and ZOOM. Tell me again how zoom is safe? i will be removing zoom again but it was fun to zoom with ya all.

  19. Fuggin spent most of the zoom trying figure out why I had no video…. searched and searched and searched.

    Just now realized my laptop camera has a tiny skateboard sticker blocking it.


    I love my idiot sense of humor.

  20. Thanks RogerF. You can be anon if ya want, meaning no vid but can contribute to the conversation.

    I put my name and FACE up there because I don’t GIVE a shit right now, is that being myopic considering the Overlords watching us?


    @Aaron B- you are warped, and that was HILARIOUS. You maybe chino spy like Fang Fang?

    Nice to meet Bman, Conservative Cowgirl, Jimmy, RadioMatt, CCW, Anymouse, LCD(in Colorado), Antidote, Sapper Chris and I apologize for forgetting…

    That Zoom call made, I would think, IOTWr ‘history’…


  21. I joined the meeting and it was very worthwhile. Thanks, RogerF.

    Screw China. We used Zoom this time – but the consensus was to look around for other app’s and maybe try them, too.

    Also, if it indicates you have audio but no one can hear you, you need to run Zoom’s little “audio test” feature to choose which microphone to use. That happened to me and fixed it.

    Also, next time, Aaron Burr is supplying the candied bacon!

  22. It was really, really good. You get the thick bacon from the butcher and paint it with brown sugar water and bake it at 350 or something over a pan that has moar sugar water in it.

    Also, Krusteaze pancake mix is the best on the planet.

    Lastly, I make the best scrambled eggs. Period. You can too!

    Use butter.

    Oh yeah, zoom is fine once you figure it out, but I’ll try whatever app you guys suggest.

    Finally…… I actually live in……. CHINO valley. So it wasn’t an accent. That’s the way all Chinose people speak.

  23. I had a good time with the zoom. Ok, Ok, zoom is run in China. What isn’t?!? Until we get this sh-t straight with keeping things in the USA, we have no choice. Let’s start our own video communication!! I have no idea how but if we are all so upset with China and overseas taking all the good video sites, then who is too blame? Just asking.

    It was great to see many who enjoy IOTW. I know I don’t respond as much as others but I will try to keep up with it all.

    Thank you Rodger for organizing.

    God Bless us all

  24. Numbah free son. Burr have two oldah honorable brother who make parent happy… and not cry like when Mulan can’t join army.

    Numbah free son, bracksheep of famiry. No udder brother join motocycle crub, have porice record.

    Youngest brother porice man, was honorable long time goal to arrest numbah free son. He retire with dream unfulfilled. No worry, I show up at he birfday party soon, give him golden opportunity.

  25. The Zoom thing wasvery enjoyable! It was the first time for me and I really liked “meeting” some fellow IOTWers, though I’m not very talkative but enjoy listening to and learning new things. We have a lot of interesting people here!

  26. It was great, I learned more about real people, weapons and Ham radio in an hour and a half than in most places…just to name a few subjects…and we did NOT even bring up Mary Ann’s passing?!

    Having the voice synthed is a possibilty, for those that would want to, made me think of this song,

    One of these Days, Pink Floyd and the great Nick Mason, RIP.

    Yes, lots to discuss and Number Free son sound very busy…no time for Zoom for you!

  27. 7:00pm on a Wednesday probably works well for EST people and semi to retired guys from anywhere, but for working guys in the PST zone it might not be ideal. I could be interested in a weekend for instance. I like the idea.

  28. joe6pak
    The youngest future Mom In Law got in on Zoom on the ground floor. Recently cashed out for God knows how much but cleared 14 mil. Zoom is not a Chinese Company people. They had an executive arrested for trying to fish some info out of the system for them. I’m not endorsing Zoom for shit, but there’s some peeps here sounding like panicked Libtards. Easy shit to find on a search.

  29. Thank you all for attending. I will work with BFH to set up meetings every month. We will vary the times and day to get as many people involved as want to. If you are antipathetic to Zoom. I do understand.
    More details to come.

  30. Hey Joe, just had some great 411 for you BUT AiT GOT FUZcKZiZnG ZbOZuNCED BECAUASE I FUCKING TYPE TO FAST.. Fucking something chokes on that. What the fuck?

    The important part. She bounced as soon as she was vested. A good move.


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