Radical Group THN Seizes Motel and Refuses to Leave – IOTW Report

Radical Group THN Seizes Motel and Refuses to Leave


The fringe progressives behind THN paid for 16 rooms for one night on Christmas Eve at the Fife Travelodge. They housed approximately 40 homeless people.

But they refuse to leave and they’re not paying. They’ve since taken two more motel rooms, and KIRO 7 TV reports the group’s intent is to force the county or city to turn the motel into housing for the homeless.

Now they’re holding the motel hostage and demanding the city or county pay for the nights that they’re staying in the rooms.

“We paid for the first night and now we’re demanding that the city and county pay for the other nights we’ve been here,” THN spokesperson and local Socialist leader Rebecca Parson defiantly told KING

She belongs in jail along with the other occupiers.

Parson bizarrely claims she’s “bringing business to the hotel” because she’s demanding government officials pay them for their theft. This is a remarkably insane and unstable position to hold. It’s also unclear how many homeless people Parson is allowing to crash at her place for the night.


ht/ illustr8r

25 Comments on Radical Group THN Seizes Motel and Refuses to Leave

  1. Find her home and seize it, place a lien against it and her for the damages and payment owed plus cost of government processes, and then prosecute the shit out of her. Since she believes other people have the right to that property she can watch as the government auctions off her home and possessions to others from prison. Or just shoot the bitch in the face and leave her body to rot in the street.

  2. …and what do you suppose those rooms look like right now? And do they expect the hotel to keep cleaning them and providing linens and TP even though they are squatting?

    …pretty risky for the maid, too. YOU wanna go into a room full of lawbreakers rootless people who may be homeless because they are insane?

    …I would not…

  3. …out of curiosity, do they have any idea where “the city” gets ITS money?

    …I’m ALREADY paying for MY house that multiple people live in, and I have to work every day to DO it. Why should money be taken from ME by the city be used to fund logings for someone who DOESN’T?

  4. The fucking Mayor of Tacoma spent 2020 trying to whip up riots here. She is a worthless piece of shit, a scandal and a disgrace. As for Fife, my buddy was shopping for a new Airstream that cost about a buck and a half. He stopped about a foot past the stop bar at a red light, the stop bar was located back in the left turn lane about fifty feet and was worn from vehicles driving over it. I told him it isn’t a legal stop bar because that is defined in the MUTCD. He said, I’m paying it and sent the Airsteam dealer in Fife a copy of his cancelled check and a copy of the invoice from the Airstream dealer in Sequim. I know of dozens of people who flat refuse to enter Fife for any reason.

  5. …and if you’ve ever had occasion to go into a squatters domicile as I have, you know there’s feces and urine in the corners and all the copper and movable appliances are either being stolen or HAVE been stolen, typically leaving a vertical trench in the drywall from being ripped out and sometimes causing electrocutions and fires because they don’t bother turning it OFF first…

  6. This will require cooperation between the hotel owner, night manager, and “close friends” (not hotel employees for plausible deniability)
    In the darkest of night, pre-dawn morning, get the hotel master room key, open door(s), scream, start firing blanks and paintball guns, run around, create mayhem, havok, and confusion. Quickly exit stage left.
    Wait for an hour, a day, some random time, lather, rinse, repeat.

  7. @ SuperShopperNightshade DECEMBER 30, 2020 AT 10:47 AM

    Red light cameras. Fact Jack, look it up.
    In Fife, at 54th Avenue East and 20th Street, southbound drivers were issued red-light camera citations 10,762 times last year

  8. …buddy of mine had a brother that managed a few properties. When he had an issue with chronic non-payers, he’d come and take the front door off and take it to his shop “for repairs” leaving the house wide open.

    …They usually left pretty quick after that…

  9. Get a gallon gas container..fill it 1/2 with water and then add gasoline. kick in the door after you turn off the power to the room and enter yelling “YOU ARE ALL GOING TO BURN IN HELL!!” splash some of the gas water mix and watch em run.
    Easy to clean up and very effective

  10. Pump nitrous oxide in the ventilation system. Once they all pass out cuff them, strip them and drag them by their feet down the stairs so their heads bang each step and haul them out to the middle of nowhere and drop them naked in a field.

  11. I agree that this is a case where one needs to take the law into their own hands. Don’t stop with the homeless, take the action to the personal homes of the “activists” who started this crap.


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