PA lawmakers appeal to McConnell, Georgia court sets hearing in latest election challenges – IOTW Report

PA lawmakers appeal to McConnell, Georgia court sets hearing in latest election challenges

Just The News –

President Trump’s supporters across the country are escalating efforts to contest the Nov. 3 election results ahead of Wednesday’s official certification by Congress, with some Pennsylvania lawmakers making a special appeal to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Georgia Republicans scoring an 11th-hour court hearing.

The frenzied efforts come as Republicans also try to win two runoff elections in Georgia that will determine control of the Senate, while the president’s attorneys bank their hopes on an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court and getting legislatures in as many as six states to object to certifications.

Republican congressional leaders expect as many as two dozen or more lawmakers in the House and at least one senator, Josh Hawley of Missouri, to object to the slate of electors for Joe Biden in several contested battleground states, prompting at least a two-hour debate next Wednesday.

Increasing the pressure, two dozen GOP state lawmakers in Pennsylvania, led by state Sen. Doug Mastriano, sent letters to McConnell and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy on Thursday asking that their state’s election results not be accepted by Congress until further investigation of irregularities is completed. read more

SNIP: I would suggest Kentucky do a state election investigation because I don’t know how Cocaine Mitch keeps winning.

8 Comments on PA lawmakers appeal to McConnell, Georgia court sets hearing in latest election challenges

  1. As long as appeals are made to compromised statesmen, nothing will be done.

    Trump is going to have to activate the military to handle this. Nobody can say Trump didn’t try to do this the right way. Trump has given every opportunity to these control freaks and they’ve spit in his face.

    At some point trump is going to make the Nuremberg trials look like the People’s Court compared to what he has planned.

    At the Nuremberg trials they found the offenders guilty and fucking hung them immediately.

    The same should be done to the Deep State offenders and done PUBLICLY.

    Our government needs a frikin’ tune up.

  2. Have you ever heard of the Insurrection Act?

    Have you ever studied Executive Order 13848?

    Did you know that the United States Marines are under his direct control?

  3. “Have you ever heard of the Insurrection Act?

    Have you ever studied Executive Order 13848?”

    Yes I have, now what part of the CONSTITUTION gives the President the authority to do this?

    BTW, you have heard of the Constitution, haven’t you? And studied it? If so you should be able to answer that question.

  4. MJA. I think you’re onto something when it comes to #ChinaBitchMitch winning. I bet this Dominion shit goes back DECADES and we have been “governed” by true losers THEY picked!

  5. “Article 1. ”

    My specified response post was deleted, so state the exact clause and wording you are using to justify this.

    There are things people would far rather censor to keep undisclosed because they just don’t want to hear them. The Constitution seems to be one of them.

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