Soon… Soon we will revolt – IOTW Report

Soon… Soon we will revolt

What are we waiting for?

Ezekiel Emanuel advocated for everyone to consider offing themselves at 75, yet, a “pandemic” that primarily kills the elderly is not welcomed??

I think these evil shitstains love Covid. They get boners thinking about the control they can leverage over people under the guise of “helping them.”

The backlash is going to be brutal. I hope.

This is what’s coming if we don’t stop it now.

HT/ FDR in hell

16 Comments on Soon… Soon we will revolt

  1. MMinAR
    Wow that was brutal and in your face but hey you’re right.
    I get so pissed when I have to go into any place of business and wear a friggin mask muzzle.😷 I’m tired of living the life that is The Kung Fu Flu. 🤬

  2. The people as a whole want this to be happening or it wouldn’t be happening.

    Otherwise you would be seeing the majority of them actively doing something to change it, and they aren’t.

  3. I think if I lived close to the event I would probably go. It would be a breath of fresh air to be amongst people of my own ilk, quite a contrast from where I live now, where I feel like a leper, or the only sane man in a village of fools. but I have a question for those attending; what is your purpose?

    Is it to attend one last Trump rally? Is it to personally thank the man that for the last 4 years gave us hope? Is it to voice displeasure at a stolen election? Do you think a mass gathering of Trump supporters will somehow effectuate a change in the election results? Will it be just a gathering of the like minded to commiserate collectively or will something substantial result? Or, is it an excuse to maybe mix it up with some ANTIFA punks and giving them the beatings they deserve?

    I guess it’s all about expectations, to say goodbye to a great president or substantially change something.

  4. Eff Zeke Emanuel. I will be 68 in 2 months and I ain’t killing myself in 7 years when I turn 75 just so I can appease this asshole and ma gaia. My dad was almost 89 when he died 3 years ago and my mom was just short of 93 when she passed away 3 months later. My dad’s oldest brother was 99 and a half when he died a month after my dad died. I have a lot of years left and Zeke can go to Hell for thinking that I will quietly accept his suicidal/euthanasia bullshit. i will go down fighting and may have to rescue again but this time it be will older people like myself that I’ll rescuing from assholes like Zeke and his ilk. You first Zeke, no one will miss you. You are not God and I don’t have to obey anything you say or recommend. I hate these merchants of death whether they’re killing innocent unborn babies at the beginning of their lives or old people who have lived a good long life.

  5. Fuck Zeke.
    Fuck Fauci.

    Come to think of it, fuck anyone who makes a pretense of “expertness” at most anything. And fuck blocking the maggot’s car – the maggot should be put through a shredder and his car set on fire.

    Sooner or later we’ve got to get serious.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. There should be lots of voices against the tyranny that we face. But, when (and if) the bans start to lift a lot of restaurant and small business owners will probably go back to thinking it’s business as usual. To a large degree, we can’t blame them too much; they just want to be left in peace so they can run their concerns.

    The real patriots of this country understand the long term consequences of losing our freedom, and not just the daily discomforts.


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