How Weak is Biden/Harris When Ted Wheeler Condemns Antifa Before They Do? – IOTW Report

How Weak is Biden/Harris When Ted Wheeler Condemns Antifa Before They Do?

Wheeler Condemns Antifa

Red State-

It’s pretty nuts to consider that someone as insanely weak and pandering as Wheeler has now done more to call out left-wing anarchists than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have, but here we are. Our national political scene, at least on the Democrat side, has been a safe harbor for Antifa, with major figures refusing to even acknowledge they exist as an entity. Notably, Joe Biden once claimed Antifa was just an idea during a debate while Rep. Jerry Nadler said they were a myth when confronted. 


18 Comments on How Weak is Biden/Harris When Ted Wheeler Condemns Antifa Before They Do?

  1. Biden and Harris aren’t really opposed to Antifa, they are just like a dangerous pit bull that has to be kept on a leash until needed as far as they are concerned.

    Sorta like NK is to China in a sense, they don’t really want them but want to have them around if they need them.

  2. A leftist recently told me he did not want me to send him anything more (after I’d gotten him to read a Mark Levin article on what the Constitution says about electing a President, and also a posting somewhere in the conservative blogosphere about ballot expert Mr. Pulitzer) He said Don’t send me anything else! I want nothing more from you! And when I mentioned just the Sidney Powell court case affidavits about voter fraud signed and notarized by witnesses, he said I Don’t want to waste my time! My side won, that’s all I care about! See, some if not most of the leftists do not care about voter fraud at all if it goes their way–I got it straight from one’s mouth!

  3. That was a big off topic but the lefty ‘friend’ also refuses to acknowledge Antifa and BLM as terror groups, saying instead the Trump supporters he sees at the gun counter in the hardware store are the scariest. Even though they all live out by themselves on farms and hunt. His media does not say anything bad about ANTIFA and certainly about the nicely named BLM.

  4. By confronting a leftist I discovered that he got way more upset and louder than I was, also he was afraid My vote won’t count! Like that was an outrage. Total lack of empathy for us. Blind devotion to the MSM. If it ever gets through their thick skulls that they’ve been lied to, I wonder what they will do. That’s the fault of their leaders and MSM. Now THAT’s scary!!

  5. According to wikipedia, Wheeler is a “moderate democrat”. Umm, yeah. You let leftist mobs take over part of your city. You have advocated for increased gun control. You have stated “hate speech is not free speech”, but we all know that means that any speech you don’t agree with is hate speech. I could go on about his stances for LGBTQRST rights, police use of force, etc. but why bother?
    The fact that this guy condemns what antifa has done to “his” city without the supposed president elect and his immediate successor saying anything shows what we are probably (still fighting and hoping that it won’t happen) going to have to endure in the highest office of the land.
    Go Georgia. Fight for what is right.

  6. I don’t think there is ‘weakness’ involved.
    blm and anfita are the ‘brown shirts’ of the dnc and biden/harris. 1930’s germany type stuff going on here.
    wheeler just realized he maybe next

  7. They’re not weak, Joe has no clue and KamAla is a leftist – so no condemnation. The media mob is silent. It’s mostly a peaceful protest, don’t cha know. Wheeler condemns and asks for Trump’s help because he knows that his city is about to be destroyed.

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