PCR Testing For Covid… Worthless? – IOTW Report

PCR Testing For Covid… Worthless?

Lurker says-

I’ve been railing against the so-called PCR “case” since easily March or so, but since I am a nobody, I’ve hesitated proffering an opinion.

The link below further enlightens from a more learned source.

… anyone still presuming that a + PCR test is showing a covid case needs to read this v carefully:

even 25 cycles of amplification, 70% of “positives” are not “cases.” virus cannot be cultured. it’s dead.

by 35: 97% non-clinical.

the US runs at 40, 32X the amplification of 35.

I think It would prompt many to experience an Eureka moment. -lurker


Full paper from Oxford here:

13 Comments on PCR Testing For Covid… Worthless?

  1. Every day we set a new record for coof cases.
    When does the coof season end, like the flu season?

    Today we set a new record for car crashes,
    it was the 2,700,000,000th crash today.
    That’s what it would be for the past 50 years if we didn’t look at yearly crashes.

  2. Thank you Lurker and BFH for posting this. I was in a parking lot waiting this afternoon and I read this thread on Twitchy. When I came home, I tried to find it so I could share it and it’s gone (it was trending–hmmm). Yay, now I have it and everyone should read the thread.

  3. There was a great video of Kary Mullis, the guy who in lnvented the PCR test, explaining how his test was not meant to be used as it is being used now. The PCR test was used this way to create the AIDS scare, too. Also Fauci .

    I can’t seem to find that video anymore, and Mullis died in August 2019, just a few months before the Covid hit. Hmmm…

  4. My spouse tested positive on Dec 18 after waking up feeling a little strange. The both of us stayed home until Dec 29. I tested on Dec 23 and was negative. I had no symptoms and my wife only felt odd for two days(probably just sinus due to allergies which is common for her). I feel the PCR test is bullshite.

  5. On 12/21 my husband & I had prolonged & direct contact our son who 2 days earlier tested negative for Covid (which is why we visited), but subsequently tested positive. Although son ended up with slight fever and pneumonia, he recovered at home with with no major issues. We immediately quarantined for 7 days, no symptoms, then PCR tested. We are both negative. Son’s wife PCR tested negative also. Were these tests accurate? Did that person carry a lighter viral load? Are my husband and I already immune, or we just have good immune systems? We are both very healthy; even my Lupus does not increase my risk.

    Why do some people get the virus with no known source of transmission? Why are some asymptomatic? Why do some people get seriously ill? Why do some die? “Luck” has nothing to do with it. I do believe God has been protecting us.
    This was our experience. Your results may vary.

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