No, Erasing ‘White’ Authors From Schools Won’t Help Kids Read Better – IOTW Report

No, Erasing ‘White’ Authors From Schools Won’t Help Kids Read Better

People mentally born yesterday pretend this is a new and exciting educational idea. What it really is is ignorant, narrow-minded, and racist.

Federalist: On his Substack last week, Matt Yglesias tried to throw woke piranhas a bone by supporting the idea of picking what kids read in school according to the tired identity categories of race, sex, yadda yadda. The discussion resurfaced with a Wall Street Journal article noting teachers — like librarians, publishing houses, corporate news media, and the rest — banning books based on authors’ skin color and sexual preferences, now in the name of “antiracism.”

This isn’t new. “Hey ho, hey ho, Western civ has got to go” was the chant Jesse Jackson led at Stanford University back in the 1980s, and it succeeded marvelously. Nowadays, classic literature is as hard to find in schools as a public prayer. At this point, it’s a miracle there are any classics left in schools for wokesters to ceremonially burn. Probably they have to smuggle them in first.

Still, people mentally born yesterday somehow pretend this is a new and exciting idea. What it really is is ignorant, narrow-minded, and racist. Yglesias writes (the content is subscription-only, so I’m only excerpting a fair-use amount): more

9 Comments on No, Erasing ‘White’ Authors From Schools Won’t Help Kids Read Better

  1. They’re winning, we’re losing.

    They know how to fight and win and we know how to dismiss, ridicule and mock them and lose.

    I can’t think of a single win we’ve had recently, one that wasn’t just a distraction to their progress being made elsewhere.

    That’s just how it is, we’re not going to change, get over it.

  2. Betsy DeVos has done exactly nothing to unscrew this mess in public “education”.
    The 1619 project is alive and well, classic education is being erased and in it’s place children are being force fed radical sewage. Nice work Betsy, you’ve allowed this to flourish without so much as a speed bump to slow it down.

  3. gin blossom,

    Have you considered that that is why she was appointed?

    This is the age of deceit, never assume that people are what they claim to be and are doing what they do for the reasons they claim to be doing them.

    Trust what happens from what people do not what they claim to be attempting to do, everything has both an overt and covert intention and that is sometimes hard to discern.

  4. ^^^ And the deception will
    only get worse.Commie core is
    coming.Demoratz are moving to Texas
    and it will soon be blue.Subdivisions
    and huge apartment complexes are popping
    up like mushrooms in the area where I live, south
    Galveston County.

  5. When I was in high school, banning books made them more appealing. Maybe now the cool kids will sit in the back of the classroom and trade paperbacks of Henry James instead of Kurt Vonnegut.

  6. The Demonrats don’t want the peasants to know how to read.
    Reading broadens horizons and can facilitate understanding. It gives us insight into different views and different ideas.
    Reading is Heresy.
    Slaves were FORBIDDEN to be taught to read – that’s how dangerous it is.

    We’ve come full circle.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Любая народ может обладать вознаграждение ко конкретному типу мастерству. С Целью данного следует пред основанием наиболее вид развлечения присутствие подборе расы собственного персонажа подобрать обычай расы. Наиболее детально выяснить об бонусах специальностей ко разным расам возможно исследовав Доска Расы.

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