Democrat Law Professor Calls for ‘No Holds Barred’ Investigation into 2020 Election – IOTW Report

Democrat Law Professor Calls for ‘No Holds Barred’ Investigation into 2020 Election

Neon Nettle:

Jonathan Turley says ‘tens of millions of voters believe that this election was rigged’.

A prominent Democrat law professor has called for a “no holds barred” investigation into the 2020 presidential election results.

Prof. Jonathan Turley, a constitutional scholar and longtime Democrat, says a full probe of the 2020 vote count is needed because “tens of millions of voters believe that this election was rigged.”

In a Thursday statement published on his website, Turley explains that he ordinarily dislikes such commissions and would normally oppose a proposal by Republicans in Congress for an emergency 10-day analysis.

“I do believe that a real commission is warranted,” says Turley, a law professor of George Washington University.

“Indeed, the violence yesterday only further shows the deep divisions in this country over these lingering questions,” he wrote.

“However, there must be the commitment to a real commission — not another placebo commission.”

What is needed, he added, is “an honest-to-God, no-holds-barred federal commission.”

It was an “unprecedented election in the reliance of mail-in voting and the use of new voting systems and procedures,” he notes.

“We need to review how that worked down to the smallest precincts and hamlets.”

“Possibly tens of millions of voters believe that this election was rigged and stolen. I am not one of them.

“However, the integrity of our elections depends on the faith of the electorate.”

He noted 40 percent of American voters have “lingering doubts” about the system.

“Most of the cases challenging the election were not decided on the merits. Indeed, it seems they haven’t even been allowed for discovery,” he said.

“Instead, they were largely dismissed on jurisdictional or standing groups or under the ‘laches’ doctrine that they were brought too late. more here

20 Comments on Democrat Law Professor Calls for ‘No Holds Barred’ Investigation into 2020 Election

  1. So, when it is proven beyond a shadow of doubt that President Trump won with a landslide victory of legal votes, will the illegally installed pretend president be evicted and jailed?

  2. I do believe that this renowned legal expert has been denounced as a kook for his previous defense’s of Trump and his policies. Don’t expect to hear much more from him in mainstream enemedia.

  3. Why?

    It isn’t going to change anything, the outcomes or what people believe, now or in the future.

    It will just serve to aggravate the hostile feelings of the irreconcilably divided sides against each other.

    But maybe that would be the real intention of it.

    The PTB running the world want to see America destroyed as an independent world power, and this would aid in achieving that end.

  4. The only way to investigate this would be with a commission of normal citizens. The problem would be getting out the far left and the rino’s. Don’t know if it could be done. No politician’s or lawyers to muddy things up. Won’t happen.

  5. No one else has survived bad mouthing election fraud, how did Hurley get a soapbox to stand on??? I call BS. The powers to be won’t allow for a real investigation, the truth might show up.

  6. Warren Report, 9/11 Commission, TWA800, Waco, Ruby Ridge…spare me and the rest of the taxpayers, Turley. For a smart law-talking guy, you are one earnest, hammer-headed fool. We are not going to be mollified and fall back in line because of another insulting, expensive establishment whitewash which would probably be headed up by Mitt Romney and Adam Schiff. Hard Pass. I know you mean well, but just stop it.

  7. Hard evidence, assuming it hasn’t been deleted or shredded, will be debunked and ignored. Those who pursue the truth will be relentlessly ridiculed. If it goes completely off the rails, “wrongthink” will be punished. Be careful of what you post (and have posted) online.

  8. An investigation to placate the rubes into thinking something is being done. I’ll pass on that, but do pass me the ammunition.

    Lofty rhetoric and the law aren’t going to solve this. You’d think we’d have learned that by now. Being “better than that” has gotten us chin deep.

  9. It’s a little late but it’s another little crack in the armor of “unity” in the left. How many cracks are needed to make that armor weaken enough to finally break and allow us to seek JUSTICE?

  10. The rabid coverage of the “violent riot” on Nancy’s ‘Holy’ Temple of Gomorrah shows you where we are.

    That Biden received any more votes than Mondale ever had is clear evidence that the grifters and haters inside of the boundaries of this country are enough to bury Constantinople and ancient Rome simultaneously.

    They can print money, lavish wealth on themselves and mock us to our faces knowing that the FIB and armies of lawyers with their invoices pre-printed will have their backs.

    Raparations. SS Disability for adult video gamers who’ve never been employed, doctors chosen because they are wymen or muslim or gender euphoric…. think of that as you bend over for your mandatory vaccine. Do it for all the bastard children out there!

  11. Pffft – commissions and investigations and special counsels. They find what they want and likely this would do far more damage to the quest for election integrity when they ‘find’ that only a few dead people voted etc. They aren’t going to ever reveal the truth in a government review. Honestly when I hear a call for an investigation I have a hard time unrolling my eyes.


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