Lindsey Graham Hounded at Airport: ‘You Traitor … F*cking Asshole … Audit Our Vote’ – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Hounded at Airport: ‘You Traitor … F*cking Asshole … Audit Our Vote’

Watch it quickly before it’s taken down.

The woman yelling at him said he should expect this for the rest of his life. lol!

50 Comments on Lindsey Graham Hounded at Airport: ‘You Traitor … F*cking Asshole … Audit Our Vote’

  1. Greg Kelly just talked about this. He says we can’t go around doing that stuff.
    I say too bad. Lindsay Gramnesty has lied to us for years and payback is a bitch.

  2. “They” don’t think we should do things like this. Not doing stuff like this is why we are in the position we are in now. We are tired of being good little boys and girls while Epstein flies us to his island for the enjoyment of the rich and the powerful.

    Let Graham really know what it is to sweat. How long did he think we were going to take this crap?

  3. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

    Bad boys, Bad boys.

    Wait. Are there girls here too?

    Bad girls, bad girls. (Conservative girls gone wild.)

  4. @ Beachmom: It doesn’t seem to matter where they are found, most of the jouranalists condescend to and betray us all. Like pols only better paid – except for the bribes and “contributions”.

  5. Dianny –

    “…Oh, good. We’re taking our marching orders from Maxine Waters now

    That seems … fucked up…”

    Marching orders, really? Please. That was as an inappropriate characterization.

    I understand that the media/social networks control the narrative and can block, not cover, and/or selectively twist the facts, but we have to do something, because what we have been doing up to now HAS NOT worked. It is imperative that we make “Big” Tech “small” tech.

    What is your strategy?

  6. I just fucking KNEW Graham was gonna cave once he knew which way the political winds were blowing. There’s not an ounce of integrity or self-determination in the creepy little fuck — he’ll be whatever he thinks he needs to be in order to please those above him.

  7. To those who think we shouldn’t do that and we should avoid all violence, what exactly do you think we’re going to do, vote them out? lol

    They declared war on us, they’re freaking telling us they’re going to purge us, that we’re domestic terrorists and they’re going to hunt us down and I guess we’re just supposed to ask them kindly to leave us alone?

    Should we tell Graham and all the other criminal traitors thank you?

    I was a little skinny growing up and shy and quiet until I got to know someone, I found out real quick bullies like to bully those smaller than them and especially those who were quiet. I also learned real quick if you stand up to them and knock the shit out of them if it came to that, they soon left you the hell alone and went on to some other kid too scared to knock the shit out of them.

  8. Another story about fighting back, my granddaughter who is 4 learned that over the summer. This girl a few years older than her kept coming up behind her and pushing her down. After the third time, I had seen enough and was on my way to tell her to knock it off when my granddaughter who a few weeks earlier saw boxing on tv and thought it was pretty cool, got up and doubled up her little fist and said, “you do that again and I’m going to punch you in the nose!” The girl got the message and ran off crying to her mommy that this little girl half her size was threatening to punch her.

  9. Do any of use believe that our ancestors would put up with this crap?
    Graham and all the traitors of the GOP would be tarred and feathered by now.
    But then again, in the old days, people didn’t stay in office as long as these government tit babies of today.

  10. I like the part where all of these pundits and politicians are tryin’ to tell us how to behave.

    My dudes….. it was never about you. It was never about Trump. The zeitgeist was already there. Trump is just a symbol. He was the cap keeping the genie in the bottle. Now the cap is off the bottle.

    You pundits actually think all these “Trump people” are gonna’ shut up and comply now that the election is over?

    My guy….you are in for a rude awakening.

    Enjoy the chaos.

  11. I like how he was pretending to talk to someone on his phone. What an asshole. Now he’ll have the left AND right getting in his face now!


  12. If I had the nature and the energy, I’d be up in every one of these rat bastards faces at every opportunity. So I absolutely APPLAUD anyone who does have that opportunity. Graham *is* a traitor and a fucking asshole. And worse, he’s abused his elected office for personal promotion, the acquisiton of wealth and power. It is, as they say, time for Lindsey Graham to quit and go write his book now.

    Any single one of these traitors has done more in their individual capacity than King George EVER did to the colonists. These people have sold America, sold you and me, out!

  13. AbigailAdams- back in the day, some co-workers and I tortured an LA mayor and also john mccain. lol. We sent antonio villaraigosa some toilet brushes and sent mccain bricks, bananas, tea bags…

    There was a guy at the mayor’s office who would call and give info to some radio guys and he told them that boxes of toilet brushes would come all day and the mayor would be so pissed he couldn’t stop screaming. lolol.

  14. AbigailAdams

    Yep. Right on. Screw these losers. Their political sampling poles were dead wrong. You should see the comment on Red Flag Dan Crenshaws social media page. He’s heavy on IG. I bet he has 6,000 comments there and maybe two that don’t start with Fuck You.

  15. “I just had my vote stolen.”

    And that is the freaken ten ring of the problem that the Uni Party thinks they can sweep under the rug and keep jamming down our throats. When any politicians says, “well gee, don’t get violent”, doesn’t have the slightest clue about what just happened. 5 backwater, uneducated states just disenfranchised every other voter in the United States. Whom do we see about that?

  16. yes……YES…..go with the Dark Side MJ, it gives you powers and abilities far beyond those of mere mortals…


    What I probably meant to say was start selling tshirts here that simply have “sour” written across them. But written in a cool logo font. Set the tone and then build off the initial sour concept into a whole resistance themed line of merch.

    T̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶b̶o̶o̶z̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶m̶i̶s̶e̶r̶y̶.̶

    Then use the money you make to create a bigger platform…or something. I mean the strike through bit was pretty much the operating principle at my old site, but you do you.

  17. Well, here’s the deal, MJA & BB: I’d much rather see American patriots royally PISSED off for however long it takes, than pissed on for another single minute. I do believe we’ve all “got the religion” — that our government overseers are lower than whale dung and we should initiate our ire and moderate our responses to them accordingly. I couldn’t feel greater antipathy and revulsion to any of them than I would feel toward anyone who had just stolen a most cherished and irreplaceable possession.

  18. ORWW: In gym class when I was a senior in high school, we would play flag football. We had fixed teams. I started to notice that one guy on a particular team would always line up against me. One day I even switched positions at the last minute just to see if he would follow me. He did. On the next play I knocked him on his ass. He just looked at me with a sense of disbelief, I just stood their, looking down at him, with a “You’re damn right I just did that.” He never bothered me again.

    If only the the the RINO’s would learn that.

  19. Alright. I just did a VERY quick search:

    “Can a class action be dismissed?
    Before the class action even moves forward, the prosecuting group must be called a class. Federal courts, as well, may dismiss class action lawsuits if the defendants are state governments or officials or if the plaintiffs number less than {one hundred,100.”

    What if the class numbered 80+ MILLION?

  20. Seriously. We have a case. We have more than enough HARD evidence that our votes were stolen and our choice of president was fraudulently moved aside. Our vote is our voice. Without a voice, we are not a Constitutional Republic and no amount of nay-saying or big media/tech is going to change that.

  21. Lil Miss Graham Cracker can choke on the imaginary dick that he DEFINITELY never puts his mouth on.

    I never liked him, always said that he was a RINO and a bitch of the GOP. When he supported Trump here and there it was fun because I knew he was riding coattails.

    The fact that Miss Lindsey and his GOP cheap ass hooker-esque friends think that we SUPPORT them? That Trump wasn’t the balm to the burn that they caused and that now Trump is out we’re just gonna cut them loose???

    Bwaha. It’s gonna be a darkly entertaining next few years.

  22. WDS
    JANUARY 9, 2021 AT 7:55 AM
    ““Aaaand Linds missed his flight. He whined about it on FOX.”

    Not to worry, Sean Vannity will give him plenty of hugs.”

    …yeah, I know. I USED to be a Hannity fan until he turned into a Covid Coward and started advocating to suspend all the civil rights of anyone who would dare try to share a building, ANY building, with him so he could fweels safey.


    He went full-bore GOP-E after that, and I turned him OFF, so I don’t know what he does now, probably tounge bathes Cuomo and DiBlasio, but in a Covid safe way of only cutting a hole in his mask big enough to get his tounge up their butts of course.

  23. All these turncoats were just itching for a good opportunity to jump ship, and they got it on Wednesday. To the media, they all became good guys this week. Cruz went from saint to worm in 24 hours.

    They are despicable creatures whom I will never listen to again, forever.


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