Trump’s Approval Rating Rises After DC Protests – IOTW Report

Trump’s Approval Rating Rises After DC Protests


This is like when a movie comes out and all the critics lambast it, yet, the public loves it.

I was on the phone last night with a friend who lives in Japan.

She gave a startling insight to the sentiment over there. They are in disbelief, not thinking Trump could have ever lost, because they feel that Trump is a great man, leader and Joe Biden is a buffoon.

She said the people there have not given up hope that Trump will prevail, and they desperately want that to happen.

She said the Japanese people are disappointed in Americans because we “let this happen.” She said people thought we were stronger than that, and would never let a party steal an election like we are a banana republic.

I didn’t know what to say. All I could muster up was that if other countries feel this way, maybe they should band together and make a statement.

if our SCOTUS doesn’t feel that one state can have a detrimental impact on the other states (when they break the law), maybe they will see the light when other countries feel we have impacted the world by allowing the left to steal an election.

Rasmussen approval poll HERE

17 Comments on Trump’s Approval Rating Rises After DC Protests

  1. This Rasmussen poll shows as starkly as anything else I’ve seen the disconnect between [[the real world]] and [[the imaginary desired world of the collectivist anti-American hive mind]].

    I’m astonished that these poll numbers were even reported.

  2. The funny thing about this is it’s in reality the left that helped make Trump through the years by seeking his persona for there own use to sell tabloids and ratings on media from way back. I grew up seeing Trump in the news for probably 50 years. The left thinks they made him and they can take him down. The fact is Trump was trolling them for half a century.😉

  3. I had mentioned the other day that many other countries citizens were parading and gathering in large groups to support the american president.
    He represents the IDEA of what this country represents to the world and it isn’t lost on them.

  4. Perhaps people feel this way because (now, this is only a wild guess) they known damned well that a bunch of lying, cheating, thieving Obiden Bama supporters stole the election in four or five corrupt cities that have been controlled by Black Colored Plantation Dwellers for decades. Maybe they feel this way because they know that the Courts and the State Legislatures didn’t uphold the United States Constitution? Could it possibly be that Trump’s supporters know that there is more evidence that this election was won by him, and they aren’t buying what the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media is pretending just happened? Is it remotely possible that Trump’s supporters know that Joey Obiden is incompetent and Kalamity is an ignorant, lying slut?

  5. Yeah, but how do you really feel about it, Marco? 🙂

    I attribute it to significant numbers of consumers shutting off the so-called MSM and getting their news and information from alternative sources. Their eyes are slowly being opened to the Big Lie that is the deep state and it’s propaganda promoters.

  6. Left Coast Dan,

    Possible plans:

    (1) Have D.C. sprayed with a permanent stink bomb chemical.
    (2) Tip over the Canary Islands to cause a tsunami.
    (3) Release a 100,000 hungry feral hogs in the city.
    (4) Have Putin nuke the place with Cobalt-Thorium-G.
    (5) Kill the hidden, White House power circuit breaker.
    (6) Release the super-secret, YUGE! Kraken.
    (7) Declassify everything.

  7. The script that betrayer, Pence, read to secure Biden’s “victory” was intentionally changed in order to bypass the fact that there WERE OTHER electors from the contested states.

  8. Marco,

    “…stirrin the pot: I feel like the people I wrote about, and I’m not going to change my opinion between now and the next election…”

    Unless I’m interpreting your comment wrong, I get the impression that you think I was criticizing you. My comment was tongue in cheek. Please take it that way.

  9. stirrin the pot: No offense taken. I was just asserting my strong opinion that nothing is going to convince me Dementia Joe actually won the election. I believe that the Dementiacrats are going to overplay their hand during the next two years, and that there will be a new birth of Conservative Freedom between now and then. And, I’m going to blame Chief Justice Roberts and his cowardly colleagues for every horrible thing that happens during the next four years.

  10. I was just thinking the other day – what would happen if most of our nation’s allies refused to accept Biden and the Dems as the legitimate US Government? What if they declare Trump to be the government in exile and refuse to engage with those currently in control in DC? What would happen?

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