Could Trump Be Buying Parler? – IOTW Report

Could Trump Be Buying Parler?

45 Comments on Could Trump Be Buying Parler?

  1. ““Using another account to try to evade a suspension is against our rules,” Twitter said in a statement to news outlets. “We have taken steps to enforce this with regard to recent Tweets from the @POTUS account.”

    “For government accounts, such as @POTUS and @WhiteHouse, we will not suspend those accounts permanently but will take action to limit their use.”

    lololol fuck you, Twatter. Eat it!

  2. Wouldn’t the new election thieves succeed at burning any down Trump associated businesses as seditious? After all that is their newest word of the day? All Trump enemies have now been exposed, ahem Pence/Graham.

  3. Uncle Al

    “…Perhaps President Trump should also consider buying a server farm or two and some of the Internet physical infrastructure and content distribution network for full vertical integration…”

    That is precisely what Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab, did for the very reason that Google and Apple control the servers that smaller alternative platforms run off of.

    Watch his video:

  4. 75 million votes is a very impressive number, however, it’s the number that was recorded for him. I suspect that there was another 10-12 million that were fraudulently removed and given to Biden*.

  5. @Cynic
    That’s exactly what’s going to happen.
    All digital forms of opposition as well as over the airways broadcast forms of opposition will be crushed by the jackboots. I live in SE Wisconsin, perhaps some fellow IOTW folks near here want to form a club to share otherwise censored information and perhaps enjoy a libation or two, just sayin’.

  6. @Uncle Al: server farm

    That’s the only reason Gab is still up today. I joined Gab a week or so ago and it seems they’re having to add servers daily to keep up with demand.
    They have an open invitation for President Trump to broadcast there.

    If PDJT sets up his own platform, he will indeed need his own servers, and LOTS of them.

  7. “Of course Apple and Android/Google will make the apps unusable on their phones.”

    Then it’s time for Trump Communications Network and phones. What’s Patriot Mobile like?

  8. Dadof4 – I agree. I think Gab would be a better acquisition, since they already own their own servers. Just depends on what DJT would offer and what Torba thinks his company is worth.

  9. “Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the first messages he sends out are the declassified documents exposing the swamp?”

    If Biden doesn’t just immediately reclassify them.

    Can’;t put the cat back in the bag if Trump releases them! DO IT TRUMP!

  10. Buying Parler would not assure him access to the public. They lease space on Amazon servers and are already being threatened with being kicked off. Without stable, predictable access to big tech’s infrastructure, he is effectively blind, deaf and dumb. They will cut him off and he will have no recourse, with the Dems in total control.

    Even if he can get a favorable judgement from SCOTUS, the Dems will defy it just like they did with Obama.

    Whatever he is going to say, he has until January 20, maybe, to say it. After that, he had best leave the country because the long knives are out.

  11. nev jones – that’s if you want to be able to say you are who you are and be able to message other people privately.

    I didn’t do all that, and I’m there. Half the people I follow already know me. lol

  12. Frankly, it seems that apps are written by people who aren’t very good at writing code. The apps tend to grab onto a ton of memory and hold onto it. It seems just as easy to go to the sites in a browser.

  13. MJA – Trump could buy or build his own server farm, but he could then be blocked by any number of companies that stand between him and his audience.

    If he is in jail, he isn’t buying anything. If his assets are locked up in litigation, likely on a ginned up tax fraud charge, his family and associates have no funds to work with — assuming they are not also in jail.

    The Dems and deep state will do it. They said they would do it. They have been fantasizing about doing it for four years

    Pelosi and Schumer must serve the radical left and the deep state Trump’s head on a platter. They will try to impeach him and arrest him before the 20th. McConnell and his cronies will comply because the Dems will threaten to eliminate the filibuster and block any of their pork legislation (they will, of course, do it anyway). Remember, it only takes 2/3rds of Senators present to convict. If they cannot impeach him, they will arrest him as soon as Biden is inaugurated.

    This is a coup. It is the Jacobins and Bolsheviks. Forget the Constitution. It is irrelevant to those now in power. They are in a myopic frenzy, drunk with power and hate.

    This is all or nothing time for them. They know the majority are against them. They must go as far and as fast as they can before we the people have time to react and stop them. Silencing opposing voices and isolating them will give them valuable time by making it very difficult to coordinate responses. It’s a lot easier to play whack-a-mole than to face an organized front.

    This is not the first time in recent history that the Left have done this. One case I am very familiar with is Ecuador. Correa was working from a playbook developed by leftist intellectuals in Spain who probably based their recommendations on some obscure global body. It went approximately like this: Win the presidency by fraud; intimidate opposition with rent-a-mobs; expel opposition legislators on trumped up charges of election interference; pack national assembly with leftists; call for a constitutional convention — packed with leftists; replace the courts with compliant judges; use the courts to expropriate accounts and property of opposition, which include newspapers, television and radio. I think you get the picture. When I saw Obama doing similar things, the most blatant being the Occupy Wall Street movement, I could tell the Dems got their playbook from the same source.

    Fortunately, Correa was unable to implement the playbook in its entirety and he is, at least until the elections coming up, in exile in Belgium. The people finally caught up with him when he fixed one election too many. Unfortunately, the people have short memories and love a handout.

    Anyway, Hope for the best — Prepare for the worst.

  14. ” Prepare for the worst…”

    Now that we found our that BOTH the democrats and republicans are our enemies, will our military guys and gals turn their guns on us, or will they support us?

  15. Anonymous JANUARY 9, 2021 AT 7:00 PM

    ..will our military guys and gals turn their guns on us, or will they support us?

    You say “guns”, but what specifically do you have in mind? Or are you just playing devil’s advocate?

    Personal weapons? No problem. Shoot the oath-breakers at your door. More effective if they are at your neighbors’ doors.

    Military level “guns” (A-10s and tanks and such), then they are truly oath breakers and need to be killed on sight. They are traitors to the country and the people have nothing else to lose.

    You are truly clueless or completely a dishonest traitor to this country.

    You truly come across as either a most ignorant M-Fker or an undeniable enemy of America in it’s simplest form.

    Pick a name, you traitorous coward.

  16. “Now that we found our that BOTH the democrats and republicans are our enemies, will our military guys and gals turn their guns on us, or will they support us?”

    A legit question. That would be an illegal order. Here’s my thinking on this. These young people are NOT going to start killing civilians, parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, etc. But, if it reaches that point China and Russia aren’t going to be sitting on their hands. I believe they will attack us.


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