GOP in Arizona’s largest county votes to censure Cindy McCain – IOTW Report

GOP in Arizona’s largest county votes to censure Cindy McCain

State GOP planning similar vote on Jan. 23.

Just The News:

The Republican Party in Arizona’s largest county voted Saturday to censure the widow of the late Sen. John McCain after she endorsed Democrat Joe Biden. The state GOP is planning a similar  vote later this month.

The Maricopa County GOP’s censure resolution called Cindy McCain a “troubled individual, with a past riddled with drug abuse and illegalities associated with such behavior.” more

31 Comments on GOP in Arizona’s largest county votes to censure Cindy McCain

  1. That woman was ready for the butterfly net long ago. A drug addled lunatic who regurgitates the same nonsense as her late husband.
    They may be late in doing so but she needs to be culled from the party. We need to clean our own party or we can’t hope gain the upper hand.

  2. A little history: Cindy McCain, nee Hensley
    Mr.Hensley, Cindy’s father, managed to score the only licensee to sell and deliver Budweiser products in all of Arizona.
    How much is that worth? oh yeah.
    John McCain ditched the first wife and children who waited patiently and lovingly for years for his release from imprisonment by the VietCong for the lovely (younger) Cindy Hensley and the promise of a political career in Arizona.
    Cindy, the only child and heir of the Hensley fortune, is the reason her husband, John, could live the life of ease.
    She is a former drug addict who stole drugs from the sick in her fake role as a caregiver. She escaped punishment for that crime because, well, because.

  3. The McCains and Bushes are cut from the same cloth.
    They’re all holding grudges that Trump, an outsider not of the right pedigree club, beat them all and got more accomplished than any of them.

  4. Uh Oh!

    Will that go on her permanent record?
    I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth all the way in Missouri!
    She may rend her garments! Or have the pool boy rend his …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I agree with Different Tim and Gin Blossom, except being one in a red state seeing the very minority leftists trying to go after good people who are elected to different offices, mayor, sheriff, state leaders, that wen to D.C., I’m for running them the hell out of our states.

    Government aka House and Biden want to certify us as domestic terrorists then we can declare leftists enemies of our states.

    There are folks organizing a protest of a stupid leftist woman who gathered on the streets with her half dozen loon friends yelling f… Trump, put signs in her front yard with the names of supposed covid “victims” and was all the rage on newstations is now trying to remove a good Sheriff who is 100% 2A and has refused to enforce any mask mandates because he went to D.C.
    Some are crying, she’s a private citizen and it’s wrong to protest in front of her house. I say to hell with playing nice, she wants the attention, it’s time to give it to her.

  6. Didn’t biden appoint her ambassador to lichtenstein or whatever?
    They slammed her because she’s been a down right evil bitch to the GOP in AZ for years. They’re only giving her back what she gave Trump.

  7. Radio news this morning called us, you and me, “Trump Support Radicals” Has a nice ring to it. Our Political Supremacists will pick right up on it. The Devil is on the loose.

  8. Even my local (Detroit Area) radio stations whom were for the most part of the mornings pro Trump have gone wobbly trying to appease both sides of the fence. I feel surrounded by spineless traitors everywhere I turn. This is one of the few places I can find people willing to stand on their convictions. Thank you people for who you are.

  9. Tony R, although the Federalist posts some good things, I have not been able to fully trust them because that tub of lard is married to the co-founder/publisher.

  10. ^^^^ oops ^^^^^

    Sorry. Wrong loudmouth. My mistake. Too many Fake conservatives to keep track for me between both Countries and self loathing white chicks.

    Someone apologize to one of the fat hogs on Whoopie’s show for me. (Not Joyless Beggar)

  11. Censor??? Typical worthless republican party action. If the GOP were a true, honest, patriotic party they would boot Cindy McCain’s wrinkled traitorous ass out of the party immediately. Fuck Censor. Bullshit. It is all Kabuki Bullshit.

    If the GOP wants to survive they need to boot all the treacherous traitors out of the party starting with McConnell, Graham, Lee, Rubio and most of the representative scum who turned our government over to the communist death democrats.

    REMEMBER the republicans did this to We the People. Fucking traitors.

  12. Beachmom, it’s very hard these days to know who to trust. The good thing though is more and more are outing themselves.
    About the only conservative sites I still trust are of course here, CTH, American Thinker and Gateway Pundit, I know sometimes they can be annoying and sometimes they’re too quick on the trigger and post stuff that’s not true, but there’s never been a doubt they support Trump and America.

  13. MJA — Um, the GOP kicked POTUS Trump out of their litte party last week, right? The GOP is now officially on life support. People are leaving by the droves and registering Independent. I know they’ll never see another nickel of my money; the haven’t since 2015. I hope the Trump campaign didn’t sign away their rights to the supporter rolls.

  14. “Epstein was hiding in plain sight,” said Cindy McCain. “We all knew about him. We all knew what he was doing, but we had no one that was — no legal aspect that would go after him. They were afraid of him. For whatever reason, they were afraid of him.” Washington Examiner

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