Winter Critters – IOTW Report

Winter Critters

Images from:

1 Douglas Wakeman (Nissa and Annie) Back in 2003 I rescued two squirrel babies, Annie and Rush. Annie stuck around the area for a few years. Here she is coming around for some nuts with Nissa saying hello.
2 Douglas Wakeman (Petey) Petey coming out of his condo
3 Douglas Wakeman (Whitey) Whitey in the snow
4 TennDon (Deer) White-Tail Doe in Snow at Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville, TN
5 bluebird of bitterness (Scruffy)

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you (or family/friend) took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • Sweet critters – Please have your pictures in to me by Friday Noon. – the cutest, adorable, cuddly, and just plain awwwwwwwwwwww critters
  • Critters at dinner time – eating, begging you while you’re eating, mooching off your plate, etc.
  • Critters and their shaddows – Critter’s shadows, profiles or silhouettes.
  • Valentine’s Day Critters – Lovey dovey critters!
  • Childhood Pets – Pets you had as a child. – Theme idea from Douglas Wakeman.
  • Critters in Close-up – Your critters photos in very close-up range – Theme idea based on photo received from Not at all confused.


11 Comments on Winter Critters

  1. Feeling the chill just looking at them. Thanks Claudia!

    Guess I’ll have to wait a bit for a snowy pic. Dallas is expecting show today. It’s been a while. Also expect body shops here to be doing booming biz these next few weeks. No one here knows how to drive in snow. Best to stay off the roads if you can. The most any city around here will do is spread sand. No plows or salting. The bridges will be particularly dicey.

    Could be all gone by tomorrow. Love Texas.

  2. Afternoon everyone…

    @AnonTrooper and TennDon- was at a jobsite this week and on the side of the house were frozen deer hoof prints. I was told a nice size buck is roaming around. This week going to get some plaster and do a mold. It would be a first, usually we look for Squatch prints..

    @Douglas Wakeman – please send plans and sections of the condo forthwith! My kitties are jealous now… :>O
    BTW is there ANOTHER cat downstairs in that split level condo behind Petey?

    @bluebird of bitterness -Scruffy is a majestic one in his element.

    Thanks C!

    Have a safe and good week and…be strong. Breath deep and take a breath of the COLD fresh air this post brings us this morning.

    42 degrees and VERY clear skies here.


  3. Miss Kitty, aren’t you in AZ?

    Took a vacay to Phoenix AZ in late Jan 2010 (Super Bowl was happening) and when we went north to see the Grand Canyon, we spent the night in Flagstaff. It snowed so hard that night (we had to shovel ourselves out of our parking spot at the motel) we left town as fast as we could.

    Northern AZ had scary snow, as far as we were concerned. We barely made it out of AZ and it (the snow storm) chased us East all the way to New Mexico. Well into Texas before we left it behind us.

    I had a great time there, but Northern AZ can be very snowy.

  4. Dadof4
    Why yes I am in Az, but I live way down south, an hour and a half or so from the border of Mexico, today was a balmy 63 degrees. Lot of people like it here because you can get a tan and snow ski all in the same day.


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