New Detailed Inventory on Election Fraud in the 2020 Election by Deroy Murdock Provides Strong Evidence on President Trump’s Performance – IOTW Report

New Detailed Inventory on Election Fraud in the 2020 Election by Deroy Murdock Provides Strong Evidence on President Trump’s Performance

Gateway Pundit:

A new report by investigative journalist Deroy Murdock shows that per an inventory of known vote and election fraud issues in the 2020 election, President Trump won the election.

Deroy Murdock is a political commentator and a contributing editor at National Review Online.  He’s provided a comprehensive inventory of election and voter fraud issues in the six swing states in the 2020 election at  We are told Deroy worked on this report for weeks.

Here are his numbers: more

17 Comments on New Detailed Inventory on Election Fraud in the 2020 Election by Deroy Murdock Provides Strong Evidence on President Trump’s Performance

  1. It is obvious to me that President Trump had access to information that showed he was indeed the victor in the 2020 race.
    That is why he will never concede and was so adamant about the “explosive bullshit” that happened at 3AM following election night.
    Hell, we all saw it happen.
    Proving it in a courtroom that will not even hear your claims is impossible.
    I always felt that the proof would trickle out over the next year.
    *Biden would be inaugurated and be an illegitimate president.
    President Trump could come back and win in 2024.
    Now it is clear to me that DJT would NEVER be allowed back in The White House.
    Too much swamp power, MSM, & corporations to overcome.
    That said, it is just as well.
    This will be a LONG fight.
    2024 is too soon.
    The leftists in power will overreach of course, but it will likely take 16 years to right this course.
    2022? Fucking forget it.
    Republicans will get slaughtered.
    Just as well though, time to purge RINOs is NOW!
    The best thing about right here, right now is folks are required to put their cards on the table.
    Chose your side…wisely

  2. Loco – I suspect that with COVID restrictions, failing businesses and the stolen election, the move to absolute tyranny will be very quick. The resistance to it will probably lag (but maybe not) however, “politics as usual” will disappear immediately. The economy will tank, we’ll be ‘off the Dollar’ (the currency) and digital money and social credit systems (including COVID tracking) will be developed together in short order.

  3. In addition…
    Shortly after the November election, I NEVER felt that DJT would be declared the winner of 2020. I felt that he would have been better served coming back in 2024 than overturning a stolen election unless irrefutable proof was established.
    Even then it would be an uphill climb. Too much entrenched opposition.
    Of course, this would require election reform that was foolproof to even bother.
    The fact is, we haven’t hit rock bottom yet.
    The 2022 Mid-terms will be bullshit as well, but due to republican ineptitude, will not need to be stolen. Dems will have a cake-walk.
    Therefore, it will be YEARS before election laws will be reformed.
    The 2020’s are GONE folks, as far as fair elections go.
    I don’t plan to even bother voting until the mid 30’s when Greta Thunberg is running for her second term…

  4. The Dems are going to try to impeach Trump again, even tho’ he’s only days from leaving office, and I believe that they’re doing this with two goals in mind.

    Goal #1, of course, is to simply remove Trump — by any means necessary, and preferably if they can get him removed in disgrace. But even tho’ the Republicans are currently stampeding over each other in their haste to distance themselves from Trump, there’s still no guarantee the Dems can pull this off and it could still come back to bite them in the ass later.

    So Goal #2, I believe, is that they’re threatening to impeach Trump in order to pressure him to withdraw voluntarily in order to avoid being the only President ever to be impeached twice. And I’ll bet that the Dem’s’ll agree to drop impeachment (and perhaps also agree not to pursue him too aggressively in retirement) if Trump agrees to resign AND publicly declares that Biden won the election fair and square.

    The taint of a stolen election is going to haunt Biden forever, especially if Trump leaves office without actually conceding that he lost. It would be invaluable to the Democrats in so many ways to get Trump to publicly declare Biden the lawfully-elected President. No matter what evidence surfaced after that, they could simply pull out Trump’s concession and BOOM! — blow it out of the water.

    President Trump, do NOT resign and do NOT concede.

  5. ANYONE with the IQ of a popsicle stick knows that Trump won the election…by a MASSIVE margin. Doesn’t matter. The commie left has spent DECADES building the machinery to commit vote fraud and spent the ENTIRE 4 years Trump was in office conspiring to commit this ‘crime of the century’. They infiltrated, subverted and suborned EVERY major institution in America. The media, academia, the judiciary and EVERY Federal LEO agency putting THEIR puppets in place so that NOBODY in these institutions wanted an honest election and NOBODY in a position to deal with this crime had any intentions of doing so. The left has bribed, blackmailed, bullied and MURDERED anyone that posed a threat to their plan. They didn’t even TRY to hide the cheating….it was frequently CAUGHT ON CAMERA. They knew that no amount of evidence or proof existed was
    going to change things. And unless “WE THE PEOPLE” step off the porch and start hanging these commie criminals WHOLESALE they are going to get away with
    this massive crime, destroy America and enslave ALL OF US.

  6. The Dems and the Republican leadership want Trump impeached so they can disqualify him from ever running for public office. That is why McConnell is laying out a schedule for impeachment proceedings that don’t start until after Biden’s inauguration.

    The hate runs deep in them and that hate is for Trump supporters as much or more as it is for Trump himself. They need to not only destroy Trump and anyone who loyally served him in his administration, but they must destroy those who voted for him. They don’t ever want to have to deal with another Reagan Revolution, Tea Party or MAGA.

    I’m not saying they will succeed. I don’t think they can, but they will try and it could get very ugly.

  7. Hard to imagine anything could have topped “floor hotdog eater” tonight, but clearly “looks like an anus having a coughing fit.” not only wins the internet for the night, but moves right into Hall of Fame status.

    Top Jimmy indeed.

  8. There is one thing missing in all the political predictions I’ve read or heard.
    That is: there is a major economic depression coming. I believe it will dwarf
    1929 and last a much longer time. The Leftists will be caught twisting in the wind
    with only their most vicious members surviving in all the institutions they have corrupted. We will need sharp leadership to know when and how to strike them.

  9. The REAL reason they want POTUS Trump out asap is because he is still the 3rd co-equal branch of this failing gov’t and he has ALL the goods on them — and can act accordingly. They want to strip him of this power. They have only about a bazillion reasons to be fearful. The first one being their own treason.

    It’s not 1/20/21 yet.

  10. Anyone with half a brain knows Trump won.
    The Dems cheated right out in the open daring anyone to stop them. Like the school yard bullies they are.
    As always follow the money.
    I believe there were lots of bribes paid.
    It will all be buried now.

  11. We can lay much of the blame at the feet of the republicans we elected to represent us. Weak and feckless, they ignored the dangerous direction we were headed and instead only concerned themselves with holding their positions by not rocking the boat.
    If you think it was hard to get action out of them before it’ll be twice as hard in the future.
    Just look at the reaction to the rally, only a few stand behind the president after all he did to support them.

  12. Is it any wonder why the Left and their sympathetic cohort on the Right wanted their little show interrupted last week? And right on cue, here comes “The Mob of Trump Supporters”. No way they wanted these details to become part of the Congressional record and made public to the larger public.

  13. Nice work by Mr. Murdock.

    Even with the extent of fraud found by Mr. Murdock and others, it won’t stop Biden from becoming President on the 21st. It could have value if Biden is impeached, but even getting an impeachment charge against him has zero chance with the makeup of the government that is coming. Getting him removed by impeachment has a less than zero possibility.

    It is awful to think about what will descend on us 11 days from now.


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