Pence split with Trump jeopardizes his 2024 plans and political future – IOTW Report

Pence split with Trump jeopardizes his 2024 plans and political future

Wa Ex: Vice President Mike Pence’s political future looks murky after he decisively broke with President Trump to preside over the certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Pence has been a loyal Trump understudy and a reliable bridge between MAGA populists and movement conservatives, especially the evangelicals among them. He had hoped to ride these traits into the 2024 Republican presidential primaries. But Trump’s repeated public insistence that Pence reject Biden electors from contested battleground states, something the vice president declared he had no constitutional authority whatsoever to do, has strained their relationship, possibly to the breaking point.

Trump all but called Pence a coward. “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution,” Trump tweeted in a post that was later deleted. “I’ve known Mike Pence forever,” Sen. Jim Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, told a local newspaper. “I’ve never seen Pence as angry as he was today.”

The rift has the potential to leave Pence, a former governor of Indiana and third-ranking House Republican before the vice presidency, politically homeless. “I don’t believe Pence has a political future,” said conservative strategist Chris Barron. “For the wing of the GOP looking to turn the page on the Trump era, he will always be Trump’s vice president. For the pro-Trump wing of the party, he will always be viewed as the man who let Trump down. Whether it’s fair or not, I think Pence is a man without a constituency.” read more

70 Comments on Pence split with Trump jeopardizes his 2024 plans and political future

  1. His appearances at rallies before the November elections and the runoffs
    always seemed uncomfortable and forced. The rhetoric was always the same as was the manner in which it was delivered. He’s a HS football grade coach, not a big 10 college leader.

  2. Everyone closely associated with Trump in any way will be destroyed if they haven’t been already.

    For that matter, it probably won’t stop with those closely associated with him. It will be more far reaching than that.

  3. He was never going anywhere beyond VP, anyway, even if they hadn’t cheated Trump out of his win. There’s a board of directors out there with a seat waiting for him, now that he finally played his part. Watch the coin. Which hand is it in?

  4. Pence was between a rock and a hard place. He can still aid Trump, “IF” Trump presents adequate evidence before the 20th. IF, this is a big “IF” things get violent nationwide, on January 16, Trump could feasibly enact the insurrection act. Now it would impact those Trump supporters as well as antifa Democrats negatively if he did, but their actions open the door for him to take authority and stall the January 20th deadline. I want to believe that there is adequate evidence to take down a large section of corruption within government. That would include a serious chunk of high level Democrats. Would more riots break out? Absolutely. Would more National Guard and active duty personnel be called in? Absolutely. Would everyday life be uncomfortable? Hell yes.

    Here is the situation at hand now. Big Tech crossed something of a Rubicon two weeks before the election when its agents colluded in censoring the Hunter Biden story. Big Media helped their allies across the nation.

    Big Media and Big Tech colluded by mocking those who dared question the rigging of the election, and the FBI and Supreme Court sat on its hands.
    “Judas” Republicans collaborated with the conspirators by either keeping silent or scolding Trump for daring to question the outcome.

    In a twisted bit of self-parody, the “Brown Shirts” of the new fascism, the Left’s own SA, call themselves anti-fascists or Antifa for short. We now see, eyes opened, the wicked and obvious hypocrisy of the Left’s support for “largely peaceful” protests.

    The fraud election has brought us to the point of Epiphany. Does Trump act now to save the Republic or do we die silently and slowly? I believe that half the nation would support his actions. Screw the opinions of MSM and Democrats. 85% of them are already corrupted.

  5. I never thought Pence had much of a Presidential future anyway, many folks get turned off by a political candidate that wears his religion on his sleeve so publicly.

    But it does punctuate how silly those comments were that described him as a coward. You can damn sure bet that Pence knew going in that his defiance of Trump in doing what he did on the House floor the other day, that this one act would forever doom any future political aspirations, yet he did it anyway, putting country before his own interests.

  6. I doubt this will bother the establishment class they have their hearts set on Nikki Haley. I won’t vote either of them or anyone else they put up to get back to the good old days.


    I posted this on another site….

    WANNA KNOW WHAT PISSES ME OFF? No? Too damned bad.
    On Jan. 6th, President Donald J. Trump did murder in cold blood the Two-Party Myth and already people on here and TGP etc… CONTINUE to perpetuate the myth.
    NOW HEAR THIS!!!! There is only ONE PARTY…. and We the People ARE NOT invited.
    Stop perpetuating the myth… ALL of those people in DC are the ENEMIES of LIBERTY. They have just stolen or allowed to be stolen from We the People the most sacred of CONSTITUTIONAL PRIVILEGES, the vote. Without it, We the People are SUBJECTS.

    Thanks, I needed to get that off of my chest.

  8. “yet he did it anyway, putting country before his own interests.”

    Oh that’s funny. He had, within the Constitution, the choice to send back the electoral votes to the states that begged him to for their own 10-day review and he didn’t do it. Because, apparently, Mike Pence doesn’t think those states mattered.

  9. Sorry, Rich, but I vehemently disagree. Pence IS a coward. He knew full well that Biden cheated in a dozen ways to steal the presidency, yet he chose to abandon the president, AND the constitution, AND the country. I don’t know what his motivation was, but it sure wasn’t patriotism.

  10. Pences political future is NOT at risk.
    He doesn’t have one.
    He will NEVER be POTUS.
    I doubt he could get elect Governor now.

    He was Trump’s VP therefore he must be marginalized or as I like to call it “Megan Kelly-ed”

  11. if Pence were running in 2024 against Hillary, I would withhold my vote (unlike what I did in 2016). Not that it would matter, since by then the Democrats will have their fraudulent voting machine ingrained in most of the large states (there will never be another non-Democrat party president again).

  12. @MJA

    “Oh that’s funny. He had, within the Constitution, the choice to send back the electoral votes to the states that begged him to for their own 10-day review and he didn’t do it. Because, apparently, Mike Pence doesn’t think those states mattered.”

    This issue has been rehashed over and over. You certainly can hold that position if you want but many conservative legal scholars have backed what Pence did as appropriate. Regardless, the point I was making was that what Pence did was not cowardice but courageous, knowing he was committing political suicide in doing what he did, and doing it anyway because he felt it was the right legal action to take.

  13. Pence was foolish enough to make a deal with the devil. If he was so dumb to do so he deserves everything that comes his way.

    I don’t put all of this on him but we all saw what we’re experiencing now coming. He didn’t do anything to help throughout his entire time in office.
    He can rot!

  14. “…he felt it was the right legal action to take.”
    For who?
    Not the American people.
    Pence made a selfish, NOT selfless decision that only confirmed he could care less about the overwhelming evidence of election fraud.

  15. Pence was elected to vote the will of the people. He was not elected to vote his conscience. Typical swamp creature. Infiltrate the opposition and destroy it from within. Pres. Trump, the Tea Party, the Boy and Girl Scouts, the Catholic Church. etc. etc.

  16. Oh, c’mon!
    Pence never had a national constituency.
    Until Trump pulled him out of the swamp, nobody’d ever heard of him!
    Hopefully Pence will sink to the bottom of the swamp, never to be heard from, again.
    (oh, I heard from some guys in DC that Pence’s wife treats the SS and hired help like shit)

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. I find it rather amusing that he was delusional enough to believe he was ever presidential material in the first place.
    He’s embarrassing himself to think his mediocrity held any appeal.

  18. Anyone else remember the George H. W. Bush funeral, where someone gave an envelope to each of the swamp dwellers (Bill and Hillary, W, Jeb, and…Mike Pence)? Remember how they all looked when they opened that envelope? Ever wonder why Pence was included with the others?

  19. “For who?
    Not the American people.”

    Ah, so “the American people” is only those Americans that voted the same way you did?

    Official vote count; Biden got 81 million and Trump got 74 million, so by majority vote “The American people” wanted Biden.

    Election fraud? OK, I think there were irregularities in the vote count as well, so what? How many fraudulent votes were there, 2, 1 million? Nobody knows because nothing evidential in any form was recognized by the courts. Does that suck? You bet, but there it is.

  20. hey Rich Taylor – why don’t you go back to Hot Air and give AllahPundit a foot massage or something?

    concern trolls like you have not earned the right to hang with true Conservatives.

  21. Smoothing things over with Trump?

    Not at all whats going on. He realizes the gravity of what he’s done and is running back to daddy to be comforted.
    He had one overarching responsibility and that was to keep the door to the lion’s cage closed, he failed!

  22. Hey Mansfield, do you have anything constructive to add, or are you one of the resident ankle biters, unable to haven an opinion on their own except for what’s given to them by others?

    “you have not earned the right to hang with true Conservatives”

    Like yourself, or course [chuckle]

  23. Not going out to lunch with another woman may have its wisdom. But not acting to help stop the collusion of media, politicians, globalist and great darkness upon the world.
    Somehow that may compare in pence’s mind to going to lunch with a woman alone? His virtuous life comes up short.

  24. Pence sealed his fate when he refused to help America and Trump. He’s dead to me. Every commentator I have heard lately say that “Pence is history, he did himself in, and no one to blame but himself.” I find the guy to be a coward and a turncoat.

  25. “…yet he did it anyway, putting country before his own interests.”

    You mean, putting a lie before the country’s interests. And this is “courageous?”

    “… knowing he was committing political suicide in doing what he did, and doing it anyway because he felt it was the right legal action to take.”

    You sure seem to know him well. How is that? You sound like a Pence staff member.

  26. Note to rich taylor: The British had the legal argument on their side in their control of the Colonies. And yet we cast them off. Please go read (or re-read) the Declaration Of Independence from start to finish.

    They were British Colonies. And they understood that the purpose of law was to establish and uphold morality. In the affairs of man, this is the final, philosophical argument that supercedes ANY legal argument to the contrary. For without it, there are no…

    “…truths to be self-evident.”

  27. In the fall of ’93 Clinton got the “Assault Weapons Ban” enacted with Chucky Schumer etal. In ’94 the democrats got clobbered (50 seats) at the polls and Clinton stated at a press conference in Cleveland in January 1995 that he realized what happened but he thought it was “worth it”!
    Now, instead of pissing off 5-10 million gun owners the democrats have really pissed off 70 million Trump voters. In a mid-term election in 2022 when the Trump haters won’t show up and after the biden* admin has a year plus to screw things up…………there will be a HUUUGE massacre in Congress! Mark my word! Hell…. I may vote twice!!!

  28. @Jimmy

    What, no,”Give me liberty or give me death” Speech?

    As for the DOI, yeah, I’ve read it……….and? Too bad none of it really applies here.

    First off, since we are referencing history, do you remember ,”No taxation without representation? The DOI describes a separation from a monarchy, we are not ruled by a monarchy and we are not separating, at least I’m not. We are governed by officials that we the people voted in, willingly. We are also governed by a Constitution, the ultimate “moral authority”. IF you wish to invoke a separation from that, have at it.

    The only thing that is even remotely relevant in the DOI to our current situation is this part:

    “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”

    If you feel our current government, one that you consented to by being a citizen, is somehow “destructive of these ends” then by all means, either leave or start a revolution to form a new government, one that better serves your needs. But right now this is the government we have, like it or not.

    But back to the original topic, you may not like what Pence did in what he thought was upholding the rule of law, more of that moral authority you spoke of, and you have a right to criticize him for it, but please, you have zero moral authority to say what he did was illegal or even improper.

  29. Rich Taylor,
    Since Adolf Hitler was legally elected, then everything that followed was legal, moral, and legitimate?

    And the people of Germany were justified (both legally and morally) in the acts they performed at his direction?

    Curious that the United States of America took exception to that, isn’t it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  30. Here’s the thing about the Insurrection Act, as I see it. If it was gonna be used at all, it should have been used in the days immediately following the election, when it would have still been possible to sieze all physical and electronic evidence. However, it COULDN’T be used that early, because there is a series of smaller incremental steps that need to be taken before you cross that line: the gathering of testimony, forensics reports, court cases, Congressional oversight, etc., etc., etc., that you really can’t skip over without freaking everyone out. And NOW, however, it is far too late to use the Insurrection Act, because God knows how much evidence has been destroyed (machines wiped, ballots shredded, memories are fading, alibis have been concocted and rehearsed, etc., etc., etc.), not to mention the fact that there is no political will on the Republicans part to support such a move. If Trump were to suggest such a thing NOW, you’d probably get every last Representative and Senator to supports 25thing his ass — not necessarily because they believe he’s an actual danger, but out of simple self-preservation. (Think how quick Ted Cruz was to start qualifying his defense of his electoral challenge once he started getting serious blow-back on it.) As much as I think Trump SHOULD do it, and as much as I’d LOVE to see him do it, I can’t really see him actually doing it.

  31. @Rich

    “And Reductio ad Hitlerum never works.” It seems to have worked when liberals have condemned Trump for being a new Hitler.

    Invoking the Hilter bogeyman works great for scaring little children and weak minded liberals who think there’s a Hitler under every bed. It’s like viewing all southern men as Kluxmen.

  32. @Tim Buktu

    They used to see Russians under their beds, now it’s orange Hitlers, poor dears can never get a good night sleep, no wonder they are always cranky.

    As for Pence being out, yeah, the smartest thing he could do is take the wife back to Indiana, live under an assumed name, then write a book in a few years in the hopes of rehabilitating his reputation.

  33. I’ve been watching this thread, and the previous related thread. What a waste of finger prints.
    Rich, I love ya man, but would you want this piece of shit backing you upon a felony traffic stop? Not me. Regardless of the calluses on his needs, the muther fuckers got no spine

  34. @Brad

    He would not make it passed probation, too soft.

    TBH, I was also hoping he would pull the trigger on the House floor, but understood his reasons for what he did.

    Be honest, there’s too much reach-arounds going on at this place anyway, some back and forth is needed from time to time.

  35. He’s dead to us. Guarantee that President Trump will not pick him as his running mate in 2024. Maybe Pompeo, or Flynn, or Sydney, or Rudy, or Grenell. There are a lot of patriots who would make great running mates.

  36. “Sorry, Tim, I have no frickin’ idea what you are talking about. And Reductio ad Hitlerum never works.”

    Then you don’t know History. That’s a shame. And nobody “reductio-ed ad Hitlerum” – just stated the facts as they exist.

    Try “Behemoth” by Franz Neumann – a good primer on Germany and their descent into National Socialism.

    Try to follow the logic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  37. @Tim

    “That’s a shame”

    What’s a shame is that you can’t just make your point.

    Are you saying that a short funny looking ex painter anti-Semite with a mustache is going to rise to dictatorship here then lead us into world war because he wants race purification? what are you talking about?

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