Is Twitter Just Trolling? Are They Kidding????? – IOTW Report

Is Twitter Just Trolling? Are They Kidding?????

14 Comments on Is Twitter Just Trolling? Are They Kidding?????

  1. ” …. they want you humiliated and completely gaslit as well…”

    They’ll settle for that temporarily, but what they really want if for you to be dead and they intend to see it be that way as soon as it is practical for them to do it.

  2. There is video out there of a knock-down drag-out brawl in the Ugandan Parliament. I used to post it in mockery of Third World governance. No more. We could use some good Senators and Representatives opening up a few cans of whip-ass in Congress here right now. If Uganda is smart, they’ll ban SocMed permanently. And they should also ban Bill Gates forever. Hell, they’ve probably already banned Soros. Lead the way, Uganda.


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