Rep. Boebert falsely dragged through the mud and social media did not ban anyone – IOTW Report

Rep. Boebert falsely dragged through the mud and social media did not ban anyone


 Is the story behind the Boebert group photo circulating on social media true?

Photos of the Rifle Republican have been circulating with inaccurate claims.

see how bogus this was HERE and how no one on the left gets banned for false info.

ht/ roger

6 Comments on Rep. Boebert falsely dragged through the mud and social media did not ban anyone

  1. Yep, if the MSM said water is wet and fire is hot, I would want a second opinion.

    And how many blown blood vessels in the foreheads over all those white supremacists flashing “white power” hand signs?

  2. Posting a photo and claiming it is of people taking part in an “insurrection” should be a libel against them, shouldn’t it?

    Maybe legall remedies need to be applied here.


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