Former Facebook Exec Calls Upon Internet Carriers to Not Bring Conservative Views Into Homes – IOTW Report

Former Facebook Exec Calls Upon Internet Carriers to Not Bring Conservative Views Into Homes

I chatted with Pamela Geller the other day. I said, “back in the day I used to think, in the back of my mind, that maybe we were a bit hyperbolic when we discussed what the American left was willing and capable of doing to their fellow citizens.”

She said, “we weren’t hyperbolic enough.”

18 Comments on Former Facebook Exec Calls Upon Internet Carriers to Not Bring Conservative Views Into Homes

  1. It’s not even “free speech for them”.

    It’s government approved speech for them and no speech for you.

    They don’t even have free and fair elections in their own party primaries.

  2. Sitting here watching Gorky Park on Pluto.
    (Watch it if you never have)
    It takes place in the Soviet Union.
    Everyone is watched and listened to. Phones are tapped.
    Certain words must not be said.
    Bread lines.
    Crappy tiny cars.
    Tiny apartments.
    Equal miserableness. (Is that a word?)
    It’s like watching the US in the next 4 yrs.
    The Dirty Dems’ dream society.

  3. @Beachmom

    The Books by Martin Cruz Smith are even better..Covering Arkady Shenko through

    the years…He was Persona non grata in the USSR for a looooong time.

    He might be a Hero there now. Just finished “Wolves Eat Dogs” about the

    aftermath of Chernobyl…with a Murder of course.

  4. How apropos. Former FB exec joins arms with Chris Krebs. THE Chris Krebs who told us “this was the safest secure election in history”. THE Chris Krebs who was unaware SolarWinds infiltrated fed govt nat’l security ON HIS WATCH.

    Ironic Krebs is full onboard snuffing out Americans….foreign invaders, not so much.

    Another missed opportunity by the spineless Rs during his hrg, CISA IG had issued scathing report on Krebs. Rs…crickets.

  5. All of this and more is pushing us into separating and forming a new conservative country where our values and speech are not suppressed to oblivion.

    We are no longer one country in spirit and we no longer need to pretend that we are.

    For a very long time, I resisted calls made by other conservatives to even think about exiting the union and create a new country. Now that has all changed. Biden is going to open the gates to millions of poor uneducated immigrants from the south, sprinkled with vicious gang members. He will also give China unprecedented leverage into our affairs.

    I can’t stand contemplating how we are going to suffer under his administration; it’s too disturbing.

  6. Exactly right, TimBuktu.

    I’m usually a pretty optimistic guy, having been around long enough to see the ebb and flow of politics dismiss the outliers and resort closer to the mean. But times have changed. Not just losing an election,hell, that happens all the time. This is something way more sinister, way more malevolent.

    The left used to care about basic things like freedom and preserving civil liberties for all, not anymore. When one side wants the other side either silenced or dead (or both), there is no working with these people anymore.

  7. I traveled to Moscow with my wife back in 2008 to visit friends of hers. We stayed there for ten days and lived in one of the old Soviet era apartment buildings in the city. It reminded me of a grain elevator and the inside was bare concrete walls and staircases and it was unheated. It was so depressing it is hard to describe. These building aren’t where the poor live. They are middle class dwellings if you can call them that. Every apartment door was hidden behind a thick, steel outer door that reminded me of a bank vault door or heavy gun safe. They are covered with vinyl tuck and roll upholstering. Behind these heavy steel doors are the regular doors often made of heavy wood and with heavy duty locks. Why the thick steel outer doors? Because, if they weren’t there, your apartment would be totally empty when you got home from work. Think your neighbors will be of some deterrence to the thieves? Think again. If they weren’t the ones who broke in, they will never, ever get involved and face the wrath of the criminals who did. They will mind their own business out of fear. They will hear nothing and see nothing. Russians don’t get involved. They are conditioned to think like that from the days of the USSR. Socialism dehumanizes people. It has to or it cannot exist. My wife could not comprehend why our home didn’t get broken into because it has glass windows and regular doors without heavy steel outer doors. She asked why it could be so and I told her it’s because we lived in a good neighborhood with good neighbors and we watched out for each other. It still amazes her.


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