Biden’s Team Takes Refuge In Old Glory To Cover The Lack Of An Inaugural Crowd – IOTW Report

Biden’s Team Takes Refuge In Old Glory To Cover The Lack Of An Inaugural Crowd

The Hill

Nearly 200,000 flags have been placed on the National Mall ahead of President-elect Joe Biden‘s inauguration, signifying the tens of thousands of people who won’t be able to attend this year’s ceremony.

The Presidential Inaugural Committee first announced plans to install the public art display, which has flags representing all the U.S. states and territories, on Jan. 11. 

The display was lit up Sunday evening. More

41 Comments on Biden’s Team Takes Refuge In Old Glory To Cover The Lack Of An Inaugural Crowd

  1. To the tune of, “It’s Time to Meet the Muppets:”

    This is Joe Biden’s first day.
    It might just be his last —
    because men-ee years uh-go,
    the twenny-fifth ammendment passed.

  2. Glad I don’t have to pick up all of those.
    I am not watching the installation.
    I was looking for coverage of the airport speech and there were so many Secret Service agents lined up. It looked like a dictator was about to arrive.

  3. @Uncle Al

    The pigs might be using the dog crap to hold up the flags that are there.


    Take a look at the bottom little white tag on those flags. Might be “made in PRC”

    Sad day for world freedom…

  4. I have a prediction,
    #1 Biden becomes president.
    #2 Biden becomes unfit and resigns or is removed.
    #3 Harris becomes president.
    #4 Hillary becomes vice president.
    #5 Hillary runs for President in 2024.

  5. Couldn’t pay me enough money to watch this Fake President take an oath, by the way they should be using Saul Alinskys “Rule’s for Radicals” or some other Chinese propaganda instead of the Bible. Saul and Lucifer 😈 would be so proud.

  6. After deposing President Trump with a stolen election, the Dementiacrats are conducting the Installation of a senile, incompetent loser and a Jamindian poser using American flags with 50 stars representing 50 states to stand in for the people who didn’t elect them. Will they manage to fit in the stars for State of Douglass-Obama and Puerto Rico before the next rigged election? Thoroughly disgusted minds want to know.

  7. Not watching the CCP installation of their wicked commie puppets into the office of the U.S. Presidency or anything associated with it.
    Suggestion, find something you like to do today. Give yourself a break from this inaugural travesty for awhile.

    To keep calm and hopeful I’m watching “Walker, Texas Ranger” all day – it’s on three retro channels in my state at various times. Chuck Norris created a great show. BTW, ignoring the CW reboot, “Walker” – it will be gloomy, politically correct and boring.

  8. Pyongyangitis. Cover up the spaces with colors and ‘things’. Start the pool on when the camel puts the heel down on Plugs.

    His phrase “my whole soul is in this” poorly choreographs the upcoming demise.

  9. 200,000 small American flags to be collected, thrown on the ground in the mall to be trod upon by the “new americans” and then set ablaze in keeping with the goals of the new USSA.

  10. @MJA yeah the Reichsparteitag – the Reich Party Conventions from 1923 to 1938 plus some glorious light shows from Albert Speer and dozens of party approved singers. Not to mention thousands of armed men.


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