Katie Hopkins at Inauguration – Horrible, In Every Sense – IOTW Report

Katie Hopkins at Inauguration – Horrible, In Every Sense


And all I can say as I stand here now in the freezing cold with a handful of others is that I hope America never has to see anything like this again. Nothing is as it seems. It is just horrible, in every sense.

There is no one here. And I am not saying that in the weird competitive way people talk about crowd sizes as a measure of popularity. Remember the endless quarrel over the size of Trump’s inauguration crowd versus Obama’s?

What I mean is that there is literally no one here. Even pressed up to the gates within sight of the Capitol Building there is barely a handful of Biden supporters — alongside a small gaggle of media, scratching about, trying to find something to film.

Residents with the means to do so have moved out. Others stay locked in their homes. And visitors heeded the fear-mongering and stayed away. I was called ‘a moron with a death wish’ for traveling here to document this event. And even though it is perfectly safe, no one is here to bear witness to this event.

This should be an historical moment for the country. Instead it feels like an illusion, fabricated for the TV, right down to the made-for-TV flags and columns of light on the mall.


ht/ nm

21 Comments on Katie Hopkins at Inauguration – Horrible, In Every Sense

  1. …since we’re no longer a nation of laws, I’m free to break Godwin’s law as well.

    Hitler was good at staging and optics too. Nürnberg and Berlin were said to feel like the stages for some Wagnerian opera, with every performance a command performance. It looked really impressive, especially because of the expert media coordination of actress and director Leni Riefenstahl representing the Hollywood of her day and place. It looked really, really unified.

    …how’d THAT work out?

  2. I’ll bet Katie thought she was in an African shithole with all the Army and National Guardsmen protecting the Installation of the two unelected leaders of this country. Half this country likes being a Zimbabwean.

  3. I predict Joe will go down in history as a lesser Jimmie Carter. The most bumbling, effed-up clown to ever inhabit the WH. Forget Harding and Carter, we’re going lower than ever with Bumblin’ Joe.

    BTW – I think Harding was a good man, but picked bad people to advise him…and remained loyal to those men. At least Trump tried to improve the office in that regard.

  4. That’s not Goodwin’s Law, SNS. Leftist’s bring up Goodwin’s Law anytime anyone on the internet mentions Hitler to falsely claim that any reference to Hitler or Nazis makes an argument invalid. Of course they need to believe this since there are countless valid comparisons between the 1930’s and 40’s Nazi leftists and contemporary leftists.

    Goodwin’s Law simply states that as the length of an online discussion increases, the likelihood of someone being called Hitler approaches 1. (or 100%)

  5. What the hell was she wearing on her head?

    Anyway, those NG kids in CUs were just walking around aimlessly, unarmed. They also were not nationalized, but still under their state governors’ jurisdiction, assigned to NG DC command. Even those who were assigned rifles had no ammunition. The reason they were there was to prevent Trump, had he been so inclined, from sending in the active military.

  6. And as History teaches us, a free People will never be subjugated.

    Forget what the communists think, they’ll lose again. It may take time because those cockroaches did a good job polluting the minds of the chillren.

  7. “She can’t believe she is all alone and that the city is so deserted. Not only that, but she can’t get close enough to see or hear anything.”

    We used to go to Braves games back in the 70’s when nobody was there, because we could get right up close to the action. I see the Democrat Socialists have already managed to fuck up that fringe benefit of the market, too. Not a good omen for economic stewardship in the next four years.

  8. Thank You Katie.

    They could have saved millions of dollars and filmed the while thing in front of a green screen.
    It would have been less embarrassing than reality.

    Imagine the sickness in the minds of the reporters that actually feel this is a good day.

  9. Everything she described is par for the course with Communist and Socialist soicities. Fake it forever.
    Only the bourgeoisie know the truth and reap the social benefits of the faux support and endorsement of the people.

    In reality the populace are disappointed, abused, downtrodden. It’s evil stuff.


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