Gen Zzzzz…Zzzzzzz – IOTW Report

Gen Zzzzz…Zzzzzzz

Were these kids asleep when their parents were doing basic household tasks? –

Grown adults are useless around the house, begging home repair help from their aging parents.

According to these and other grim headlines, young Americans lack the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for self-sufficiency. But do these stories amount to overblown hype, or are rising generations actually incompetent in practical matters?

We decided to find out, surveying nearly 1,000 Americans of all ages. We analyzed their abilities to complete a range of hands-on tasks and tested their knowledge in several key areas

More Here ——-> Generational Knowledge Gaps

ht/ E.D.

21 Comments on Gen Zzzzz…Zzzzzzz

  1. Wull, I’ve actually been exposed to some of this behavior and believe me when I tell you a lot of it is do to pier pressure. That’s right, the big rebellion against the people that are burdened with the task of teaching these idiots shit from shinola. I faced this head on 10 years ago. Didn’t work out so well for one little anarchist. And it was fun.

  2. O, looked it up. 6-24 years old.

    I had one of the morons tell me it intended to go native and live off the land if the economy collapsed. I ask it for elaboration. It said it would become a hunter gatherer. Hunt what exactly? Says I. It responds to me: deer.

    How exactly? There are less than 35M deer in the United States and you are going to be the one in ten to gets one and can feed yourself on it for a week, two months at the most? And then what, there are no deer left.

    Are you sure?

  3. JDHasty

    And how will they grill the meat? You need to know how to start a fire. Undressing a deer requires a certain amount of knowledge. As does storing the meat.
    Not to worry. They will all perish in the first 60 days.

  4. I’ve lived in my neighborhood for almost 20 years and have never, not once, seen anyone’s kids help them with yardwork or start a lawn mowing business or anything. Washing cars, walking dogs, whatever.

    Hardly ever playing outside.

    They’re born and sit indoors until it’s time to go to the free brainwashing center and graduate to the one you have to pay for.

  5. The overindulged youth have been babysat since birth by electronic devices and completely helpless without them.
    They don’t have the slightest idea how most things work and a complete lack of curiosity in learning.
    These kids cross thread their toothpaste tubes.

  6. It wouldn’t shock me to see some 20 yr old boy on the roadside waving a hanky in hopes of some kindhearted middle aged woman to stop and show him how to change a flat tire.

  7. It’s awful. This learned helpessness started – I think, anyway – with velcro closures on tennis shoes. Now some young adults can’t even figure out velcro.

    It started long before Gen Z, too. Several years ago (at least 8) the young men volunteers we worked with at our church didn’t know how to use their bodies to work a shovel. Their spirits were willing, but their flesh was weak.

  8. @gin blossom, funny story…
    When my brother was about 14 (1975 ish) he and his friends took my mother’s 67 Falcon for a joy ride.
    They got a flat tire and had to find a phone and call her to go change the tire.

  9. Back in the day, schools used to teach some practical skills. I had metal shop, wood shop, and mechanical drawing in Jr High. All were required, not electives. That was for boys. The girls learned home skills like budgeting, cooking and sewing. Sexist, yeah, big time. They should have had boys and girls in all classes. In high school, you could take an elective family living class to learn about the daily realities of being an adult.

  10. “Prohibit them from possessing weapons of war. Order them to wear tunics under their cloaks and soft boots. Instruct them to play the lyre (computer games) and the harp (CD or telephone), and tell them to educate their sons to be shopkeepers (sit placidly and pick their noses).”
    (Croesus’s advice to Cyrus on how to pacify Sardis)

    Seems we’ve taken his advice.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. You tell a youngster that you used to have to get up off your seat to change the channel on the television or that phones were attached by wires to the walls and they look at you wondering how the human race survived without them.

  12. There’a a very good reason most tech company heads don’t allow their offspring to use these ubiquitous electronic devices.
    Addictive, corruptive and developmentally stunting.

  13. Reply to Old Man Walking – yes, it was sexist back in the day, but the girls actually learned about budgeting, cooking/baking and sewing. Grade 8 Home Economics class stuck with me and my sister. I have done a monthly budget all of my life, and have prepared meal plans for the week. It works, it works so well, that I taught my daughter (31), a computer programmer. She has taught her husband how to budget (she actually has him on a weekly allowance). He is very useful – is busy changing out all of the 100 year old duplex outlets in their Montreal apartment. They are planning to buy their first house in less than 2 years – will have saved up $ 100,000 by then for a down payment and to pay legal and land transfer costs. Not all young people are dolts.

  14. Big Momma — You’re right. It also helps if you refuse to pay for any college classes that have the word “sudy” in them. That’s only one of the things we did with our daughter. We didn’t buy her a car when all her friends’ parents’ were (in HS!), she had to get a job if she wanted all the stuff she wanted (funny how their enthusiasm wanes when they’re plunking down their own “hard-earned” moola), and we told her that she better learn something in school that she could live independently from because she wasn’t coming back home to live in our basement. It was an object lesson from Franklin’s quote vis “Make then uncomfortable in their poverty..” Tough Love? Not really, just plain old fashioned “love”. I’ve seen too many friends absolutely cripple their kids by not making them grow up, and doing nothing to help them do that. It starts with nurturing their imagination and giving them opportunities for mastering skills. Participation trophies are like honorary degrees in the school of hard knocks.

  15. I can build a house,wire a house,plumb a house,fix a car,swap out an engine if you want.
    I’m a semi retired industrial mechanic (semi because they keep calling me in when shit goes awry at work}.
    How did i learn all this?
    By wanting too,taking all the shop classes in high school and doing an apprenticeship.
    It’s not hard if you apply yourself plus it pays good money.
    But no, go to $50,000 for a gender study degree, that is where it is at now.


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