MotherZucker’s ‘Safe Election’ Con – IOTW Report

MotherZucker’s ‘Safe Election’ Con

I stole that from Mark Levin. lol.

American Greatness:

Another day and even more purging and censoring by Facebook or Twitter or any number of “fill in the blank” appendages of the ruling class. Big Tech’s online censorship has made headlines, yet again, for suppressing dissenting opinions. 

Its self-granted authority to determine whose voices are heard, empowered by the feckless impotence and purchased silence of elected officials, should surprise no one anymore. Less than four years ago, it was they who demanded “neutrality” in all things online. No blocking, no censorship, no interference. That was the mantra until it became politically imperative that “neutrality” be neutered. 

In itself, all of that is troubling. But it’s not just the online meddling of your inherent rights that should concern you. Few are yet fully aware of the direct impact Facebook and its founder had on the farce that was our 2020 electoral process. 

In the months leading up to November 3, tens of millions of dollars flooded into key urban areas in battleground states that had the power to, and in fact did, determine the outcome of the 2020 presidential election and some U.S. Senate races. This effort was conducted by an Internal Revenue Service-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is barred under IRS regulations from explicitly providing support—financial or otherwise—to advance the agenda of one political party over another.

This particular nonprofit is the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), run by progressives formerly associated with the New Organizing Institute. While the nonprofit typically had been operating on a budget of just over $1 million, inl 2020 Mark Zuckerberg and his wife contributed $350 million to the CTCL as part of the Zuckerbergs’ overall strategy to promote “safe elections.”  read more

10 Comments on MotherZucker’s ‘Safe Election’ Con

  1. The transformation from citizen to subject is now 5 days old.
    The good news is: Big Daddy government is going to permit you to enjoy your illusion of choice from you home in Potemkin Village… Just ask FB or Twatter etc……. that is as along as you are compliant and submissive… otherwise, all bets are off.


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