Ghislaine Maxwell asks judge to dismiss case, complains jurors are not diverse enough – IOTW Report

Ghislaine Maxwell asks judge to dismiss case, complains jurors are not diverse enough

BPR: Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s cohort Ghislaine Maxwell asked Monday that her case be dismissed, saying that a previous prosecution agreement that had protected Epstein also protected her.

In Monday night court filings, Maxwell’s lawyers asked the judge to dismiss the case accusing her of recruiting teenaged girls for Epstein, according to Reuters.

The British socialite’s lawyers also complained that her jurors were not diverse enough, the publication reported, and said that parts of her indictment should be thrown out due to vagueness. more

15 Comments on Ghislaine Maxwell asks judge to dismiss case, complains jurors are not diverse enough

  1. Well now that the pedofiles who protected her and epstein are back in power,and because she likely has an extensive video library; my guess is she skates. A lame excuse is still an excuse plus bonus sympathy points for utilizing keywords and concepts.

  2. “She wants a jury of rich pedophiles.”
    Justice Roberts, Bill Clinton, Obama, Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden, Hunter, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, …………
    Maybe have an open enrollment for jury members, then arrest them all.

  3. …with Liberty and Justice for some.

    She must have enough tapes as insurance policies to walk.

    Next time there’s an “insurrection” I hope Washington gets burned to the ground. Maybe that will get rid of the Wuhan virus.

  4. Aren’t juries made up of registered voters? Didn’t we just have record voter registration? We should now have the most diverse jury pools ever, especially in the diverse Democrat districts like NYC.

    On the other hand, if she looking for a jury of her peers, there are plenty of immoral and opportunistic socialites in NYC as well.

  5. She’s asking for some priests, Humper Biden and the like to be jurors. They’ll let her off as they know what’s in store for them when they have to sit in the hot seat.

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