Fear And Social Control – IOTW Report

Fear And Social Control

In this video we examine how fear can be used as a tool to manipulate others, and how those in positions of power, past and present, have effectively used fear to control certain aspects of society.

  • [China Virus
    Stolen Elections]

7 Comments on Fear And Social Control

  1. Commie Dem’s and the fear of no paper towels, toilet paper and then we must lockdown and wear face muzzles 😷 all led to the here and now.

    We should have held our ground and said HELL NO to the takeover.

    Oh and while I’m at it THE FRICKIN ELECTION WAS STOLEN.

  2. The last few minutes of this (8:02) is chilling.

    Death by a thousand cuts OR a firehose down the gullet. We’ve been subjected to a steady diet of both since at least 9/11.

  3. Doesn’t work on me. Fear Not says the Lord. I’m not afraid to die. From the china virus, on the table when I have knee surgery next week, starvation, beheading, I’m ready.

    The election was stolen.

  4. F alse
    E vidence
    A ppearing
    R eal

    One of the first things I learned when attending my first Bible classes in the 80’s.

    Sad that so many people are fearful when told to be.

    The passage from, “they thought they were free” reminds me of the frog initially put in a pot of cool water and slowly heat it til it cooks to death.


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