Teacher’s Union To Reap Rewards From Biden’s Pandemic “Relief” Bill Bonanza – IOTW Report

Teacher’s Union To Reap Rewards From Biden’s Pandemic “Relief” Bill Bonanza

American Greatness

Joe Biden and the Democrats just lost their most overused political prop—exploited to advance every policy from climate to health care—as tens of millions of American children, locked out of their classrooms for almost a year, act as human pawns in the unions’ biggest, most brazen shakedown yet.

The hustle has been underway since March 2020; unbeknownst both to students and parents, America’s youth of all ages walked out of classrooms and off college campuses not to return for months on end. More

7 Comments on Teacher’s Union To Reap Rewards From Biden’s Pandemic “Relief” Bill Bonanza

  1. Today in Zoom School: English teacher logs on, takes attendance, then dismisses the class to work on assignments. Another class has a substitute, takes attendance, dismissed the class.

    This is a normal day – our property taxes at work. Now the politburo wants to use other sources of taxes to finance themselves through teachers unions.

  2. “Teachers” my ass, this organization has devolved into a machine that spews leftist political commissars. Indoctrination ensures their future replacements.
    Oh and before I forget: FUCK YOU Betsy DeVos!!!


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