After Elon Musk Criticizes Biden’s FAA, Biden’s DoJ Launches Investigation Alleging SpaceX Discriminates Against Non-US Citizens – IOTW Report

After Elon Musk Criticizes Biden’s FAA, Biden’s DoJ Launches Investigation Alleging SpaceX Discriminates Against Non-US Citizens

Biden’s Department of Justice is very concerned that Elon Musk may prefer to hire American citizens over foreign labor.

National File:

Only hours after Elon Musk derided the decision of the Biden administration FAA to delay a manned mission to Mars, the U.S. Department of Justice, under the Biden administration, announced it is investigating Musk’s SpaceX to determine whether the company discriminates against non-US citizens in its hiring practices.

After Biden’s FAA delayed a SpaceX test flight, Musk wrote on Twitter that “the FAA space division has a fundamentally broken regulatory structure.”

“Their rules are meant for a handful of expendable launches per year from a few government facilities,” Musk added. “Under those rules, humanity will never get to Mars.” read more

21 Comments on After Elon Musk Criticizes Biden’s FAA, Biden’s DoJ Launches Investigation Alleging SpaceX Discriminates Against Non-US Citizens

  1. Oh Ya, Get NASA to do something for less than 5 times the price.

    Elon can now tell Biden to shove a crate of eggs up his own ass and get them to the ISS or publickly (and I mean Lick) Putin’s balls and beg him to do it as he lift Trump sanctions against the very person his party accused of Trump collusion.

    Fuck popcorn, this calls for cocktail wieners.

  2. Thanks to Vice Chairman Xiden, SpaceX will be renamed SpaceXi.

    Also, the latest stolen motherload of First World scientific intellectual property will soon be in the possession of the CCP.

  3. Obama’s 3rd term.
    It’s been less than 3 weeks.
    Get ready for every department to go after critics.
    I wonder how long before they pull FCC licenses of Newsmax, OAN, Rush, Levin, etc?

  4. …interesting how the DOJ fought the last president from beginning to end even when it was illegal for them to do so, but just goes right ahead and punishes whoever THIS one names as an enemy. Imagine that.

  5. Never thought much of Mr. Musk, but this raises him immensely in my esteem.
    (not that that’ll do him any good, whatsoever)

    China Virus
    The Election was Stolen
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Why do we need to get to Mars anyway?

    I doubt we have any actual need to go there, we’ve been getting along just fine for centuries now without doing it.

    Seems like an awful lot of money being spent on something of no value to anyone other than some some scientists and engineers that could be better spent on things that are in the interests of everyone in the country (and the world as well).

    And in the end it all comes out of taxpayer pockets, an additional debt burden to them added now that they will have to repay some day in some way.

  7. If this keeps up it will indeed come down to us or them and I’m beginning to despise the Left even more than I did before. I just hope that there are enough people in the military and law enforcement who will side with us but I’m not counting on it.

  8. ” I just hope that there are enough people in the military and law enforcement who will side with us but I’m not counting on it.”

    Haven’t been yet and won’t be in the future.

    The war has been lost before the first battle has been fought.

  9. “I doubt we have any actual need to go there …”
    Same thing said about the “New World” back in the late 1400s.

    If they keep out the socialists, the nihilists, the statists, and the ragheads it would be close to paradise – even living under a dome.

    Let’s roll!

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. “Same thing said about the “New World” back in the late 1400s.”

    Not really. people were flocking to the “New World” as fast as they could as routes and passage to it developed.

    You really think this would be the same with Mars?

    The Moon’s a lot closer and nowhere near as difficult to reach, and not much more difficult to survive on it you do, but no one seems to be wanting to move there.

    FWIW, any society developing in an artificial and necessarily enclosed area to stay alive would probably have to be both dictatorial and socialist if it were able to develop and sustain itself at all.

  11. I have about as much interest in going to Mars as I do gnawing on the crotch of Joe’s dirty underwears. What the hell for? Id rather have a fat tax rebate. (Like that would ever happen.)

  12. “… people were flocking to the “New World””
    Let’s see – that’s why England, France, Holland, Russia, and Spain were indenturing all their criminals, vagrants, and hobos in the “New World?”
    That’s why the English deported hence all the Scots after the uprising?

    Cuz millions were “flocking” to there?

    The fikken Frogs couldn’t get enough colonists to occupy either Canada or Louisiana – but people were “flocking” there?

    I guess we have different ideas of “flocking.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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