Former Bush Appointees Leaving Republican Party – IOTW Report

Former Bush Appointees Leaving Republican Party


It should come as no surprise that Bush-era Republicans are frustrated with the middle class “America First” crowd that supports President Trump and the MAGA movement. The cocktail party GOPe have always looked down their noses at the base of supporters; now they report -via Reuters- that they will abandon the Republican party. More

28 Comments on Former Bush Appointees Leaving Republican Party

  1. I grew up in Bethesda, Maryland, which is a suburb of DC. I went to High School with Mark Pryor (former Arkansas Senator) along with other politician’s and lobbyist’s children. They all felt they were above the average person. You could almost smell it when they entered a room.

  2. See, this is really good news. I never thought starting a new party was a good idea. We need to kick out the turncoats, back stabbers and the America-Last-becuase-I’m-making-a-lot-of-money-betraying-those-who-voted-for-me smarmy politicians out of OUR party. Take it back with true conservatives and patriots.

    Yes, we might get RINOs to replace RINOs, but eventually we will fire all the RINOs and our GOP will be strong again.

    One caveat: Election fraud/integrity must be dealt with for state and federal wide elections. Local may be ok, so let’s start there.

    Dadof4, add Lisa Murkowski and McConnell to your list!

  3. If the story was that these Bushees were leaving to live in Qatar, that would be something to celebrate.

    Besides, they don’t need to leave their little GOPe nest of treachery, because thanks to Trump, the uninquisitive voters who always pulled the big R lever for years have seen them for who they are. They can run but they can’t hide.

  4. Imagine how many of these shits were working behind the scenes AGAINST Trump. They are very responsible for the current situation.

    The canadian Conservative party has just stabbed a some decent people in the back and nominated a FAT WHITE PUSSY a few monbths ago. Fuck em! Might as well keep Turdeau, the behavior of our conservatives & policies are virtually IDENTICAL.

    At least we will have less pigs at the trough if there is only 1 HUGE pension to pay rather than 4 or 5.
    The Last conservative opposition leader put all of his kids in an Ottawa private school & got the party to pay for it. (ME!)
    New Guy is a pussy who hid like a Turdeau in the basement when he had covid. Coward did not have balls like Donald Trump who represented hope & courage and communicated throughout his CHYNA VIRUS.

  5. That lion logo is perfect for Trump, the lion-hearted (Coeur de Lion).

    Get rid of the old-style elephant, so emblematic of RINOs, and adopt a new logo.

    The big cats are the most beautiful and magnificient of all God’s animal creation.

  6. Two former Bush officials who spoke to Reuters said they believe it is important to stay in the party to rid it of Trump’s influence.

    “One of those, Suzy DeFrancis, a veteran of the Republican Party who served in administrations including those of former presidents Richard Nixon and George W. Bush, said she voted for Biden in November but that breaking the party apart now will only benefit Democrats.”



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