Is Jill Forging Joe’s Name on Those EOs? – IOTW Report

Is Jill Forging Joe’s Name on Those EOs?

Gateway Pundit

A Missouri pharmacist (who has probably seen a fair share of illegible signatures) has called in to question Joe Biden’s scrawl on some of the Executive Orders he supposedly has been signing off on since occupying the White House.

The pharmacist makes a case that even an amateur hand writing analyst can see that Jill has signing a number of these for her dementia addled husband. Here

17 Comments on Is Jill Forging Joe’s Name on Those EOs?

  1. So if all the supposed EO’s joey has signed have been forged by his wife Jill doesn’t that make them illegitimate since they haven’t really been signed by joey. This whole sham administration is totally illegitimate and everyone knows it. How soon before he’s removed from office or they find him dead, keeled over, drooling all over himself. He is illegitimate and the election was stolen and we are to assume that everything is hunky dory and that we are to believe that he was duly elected in a fair election by the American people. BULLSHIT!

  2. Dr. Tar: Someone else has pointed out that a lot of the recent ones do not have anything written on them. They are blank sheets of white paper with no header or text. One of these days, someone is going to go public with the real truth over facts about this fraudulent President* and make a million of an advance from a publisher. Won’t be Seth Rich though.

  3. “Sign this Mr. President or else you might ‘trip’ over the dog again and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”

    (meek, terrified look as Biden signs everything put in front of him)

  4. This exact shit happened a century ago with another Democrat Party socialist, Woody Wilson. He had a MASSIVE stroke in 1918 and for two fucking years his whackjob wife effectively ran our country, faking Woody’s ability to run the Gummint.

    The same is happening now, with Greezy Joe’s wife pulling his puppet-strings and signing his name on EO’s.


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