Native American Rights Group Plans Super Bowl Protest of Kansas City Chiefs – IOTW Report

Native American Rights Group Plans Super Bowl Protest of Kansas City Chiefs

After living through what Alicia Norris called “mass genocide,” the co-founder of the Florida Indigenous Rights and Environmental Equality group says Native Americans will fight back against what they consider humiliation at the hands of the Kansas City Chiefs.

On Sunday, Norris and other members of FIREE will stage a protest outside Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, according to Fox News.

Their focus is the tomahawk chop, a gesture fans use that supposedly imitates a Native American chopping with a tomahawk, as well as the team’s reliance on Native American imagery. read more

31 Comments on Native American Rights Group Plans Super Bowl Protest of Kansas City Chiefs

  1. As a literally “Red” man I can only say that the marxist agenda is to completely remove us Injuns from society in toto…soon no one will know we even exist as all references and images will be removed. I get a big kick out of a liberals view of what does and does not offend us.

  2. Phuck them indians. They lost the war. Take a lesson from the Nipponese, suck it up and discover your inherent passivity.

    There, that should have offended the shit out of a phuckin’ crowd. You’re welcome!

  3. They could change to a wild animal name.

    But all the good animal names are taken. What’s left?

    KC Hounds
    KC Wart-hogs
    KC Crocodiles
    KC Prairie Dogs
    KC Roosters
    KC Tarantulas

    However, if they select an animal name like Hounds, PETA will start hounding them.

  4. Chasing social justice is always more rewarding when the target is a pack of guilt ridden moneybags who can’t stand looking bad before their rich lefty “admirers”.

  5. They need to be more specific. WHICH native americans? The Seminole tribe in Florida gave their blessing to Florida State University to use their likeness/symbols/etc. Has KC stated which tribe they are representing?

  6. From what I have read, most Native Americans don’t mind sports team names. It is white people or race hustlers who raise a stink.

    I have also read that most Native Americans hate the term “Native Americans.” They actually prefer “Indian.”

    This whole concept of having to change the names of sports teams and schools because people are offended reminds me of something I read about years ago. When major new streets are put in, they are mostly numbered, lettered, or (as in the greater Seattle area) named for where a major road starts and ends such as Carnation-Fall City Highway. They got tired of people arguing about how a proposed name was inappropriate.

  7. Russel Means got most the disadvantaged minority here on the warpath because we had a middle school with mascot name Warriors. The city bowed to one testicle russell and changed the name.

  8. “will fight back against what they consider humiliation at the hands of the Kansas City Chiefs.”

    Probably just Buccaneers fans. They could at least wait till they lose before they start bitching.

  9. Many years ago at a boat launch in northern WI there was a protest AGAINST the “tribes spearing rights.” Never forget one of the signs that read,

    Welfare or Walleyes Not Both!

    Our Native American friends pretty much destroyed the fishing in a few of the lakes up there…

  10. Talk with Tribal members and they will tell you that the only ones who can get their messages out and their voices heard are the ones the progressive movement and media hand select. That’s a stone cold, natural fact, Jack.

    I spend a lot of time on the Rez and among Tribal members all over the northwest and they are not bashful about their disgust with this situation. It portrays the entire population as a bunch of cry babies and the ones who are actually making something of the resources they have available don’t like being lumped in with the losers.


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