Could Obama’s “Ethics Czar” And Author of “The Playbook,” Be The Guiding Hand Behind The Steal? – IOTW Report

Could Obama’s “Ethics Czar” And Author of “The Playbook,” Be The Guiding Hand Behind The Steal?


Norm Eisen, former Obama Ethics Czar, Ambassador to Czechoslovakia during the “Velvet Revolution,” key counsel in impeachment effort against Trump, and participant in the ostensibly bi-partisan election war games predicting a contested election scenario unfavorable to Trump—just happens to be a Color Revolution expert who literally wrote the modern “Playbook” in the explicitly acknowledged tradition of Color Revolution Godfather Gene Sharp’s “From Dictatorship to Democracy.” – More

6 Comments on Could Obama’s “Ethics Czar” And Author of “The Playbook,” Be The Guiding Hand Behind The Steal?

  1. According to Doctor Google more than 62,000 Covid deaths since the inauguration of fraudster biden.
    That’s more than a 13 1/2% increase in total covid deaths in less than 3 weeks of holding office.

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.


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