The Horror of AOC’s Death-Defying Bravery – IOTW Report

The Horror of AOC’s Death-Defying Bravery


Don’t miss this. Please!

18 Comments on The Horror of AOC’s Death-Defying Bravery

  1. She’s so brave!!! I did not know. Her face should be carved on Mt. Rushmore…If there’s not enough room on the mountain, maybe I can round up some of my beer drinkin’ buddies to go out into the Arizona desert and piss on a sand dune into the likeness of her face!

  2. AoC must have a hyper active dream life…
    Assassins coming out her from everywhere,
    On the other hand it could be a James Bond complex,
    Or a Walter Mitty Syndrome with his trusty 50/80 pistol.

  3. AOC will become our next PRESIDENT,,,as soon as she kills off Biden.
    Joe Biden IS so stupid and probably doesn’t realize his life is truly in danger.
    I hope his “handlers” realize this danger!!!
    I like Joe,,,but really miss Donald Trump.

  4. I’m not surprised about the BS these D women spout out. Remember when Hilary told the horrifying story of her landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. They are all so sorry and want attention and actually think we will believe them and the truth will not be told See, pray everyday they learn right from wrong.

    God Bless us all!

  5. Sandy, *please everyone, start calling AOC that) is Pathetic. Wish some strong Republicans or reporters (HA HA) keep this story going. Get to the bottom of the story.

  6. the only “news thing”I watch. His first 20 mins (before the first commercial break) are both informative and very disturbing. He packs in a lot of how F’d up the world is

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