Biden Unleashes Big Government To Buy Up Land – IOTW Report

Biden Unleashes Big Government To Buy Up Land

Courthouse News

Of the many midnight regulations passed by the Trump administration on the way out the door, Secretarial Order 3388 may have had the shortest run. 

Former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt issued the order less than a week after the election, when much of the national attention remained focused on former President Donald Trump’s efforts to undermine the results. 

The order allowed state and local officials to block federal conservation purchases while limiting those purchases to land already inside existing parks or wildlife refuges, attempting to limit the expansion of those jurisdictions.  More

Because the people living next to land taken out of productive use should have no say in the federal government impoverishing their communities. – Dr. Tar

15 Comments on Biden Unleashes Big Government To Buy Up Land

  1. Why did he wait so long to issue the order. Look at that TRAITOROUS BASTARD biden, 50+ EO’s in the first 3 weeks. And I’m not saying I like EO’s, I’m just pointing out what our enemies are doing.

  2. “The good news is that the federal government now owns all the land in the country. The bad news is that we have a famine.”

    And Trump was trying to undermine the results of the election? Who writes this stuff? I prefer to focus on how Biden and Company are trying to undermine the Constitution.

  3. The federal government has no inherent constitutional authority to take a state’s sovereign lands. I do not understand why states cannot block this by exerting their higher authority over their own land, whether by their own purchase or their own assertion of state conservation rights, or just prohibiting the private sale of certain kinds of land to the federal government.

  4. Marxism. Marx & Engels believed private property ownership and rights needed to be abolished.
    Utah is already majority federal government owned.
    It’s more of rules for thee….
    Here in ME we had the former owner of Burt’s Bees, Roxanne Quimby, who owned 2 homes here and 1 in FL, buying huge parcels of land and then kicking everyone out and giving it to the fed while Obama was (officially) in office. The people in the area didn’t want that but the leftist judiciary let it happen.
    It’s a great way to remove wealth and freedom from people.

  5. @joe6pak I imagine the president had an interior secretary who was dedicated to making federal land available for energy and other productive uses so a secretarial order wasn’t needed.

    Note the order wasn’t from the executive (an EO) but from the head of the agency, the interior secretary.

  6. Beachmom,
    I have yet to understand why Utah hasn’t just seized back the land, the 2/3rds of the state, that is rightfully theirs. “In accordance with the Treaty of such-and-so, we are taking back our own land, and making it state peoperty, to do with as WE deem right and proper. We, the sovereign people of Utah, are tired of playing grab-ass in the courts to regain that which is rightfully ours”.
    The Greeniacs, WaterMelons, and EnviroNazis will get upset, but at this stage, who cares (other than the professional politicians)?

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