Just in- Trump Acquitted – IOTW Report

Just in- Trump Acquitted


38 Comments on Just in- Trump Acquitted

  1. I just sent an email to the town Republican committee that I have been chair of for 10 years. I am resigning. I’m resigning from the town I’m resigning from the county committee and I am resigning from having anything to do with our state GOP who has not only been silent on Senator Collins but also silent on the abuses of the Constitution and power Janet Mills has shown in her destruction of live businesses jobs Etc in the state of Maine. I have had it with these spineless cowards.

  2. As soon as the elephants declared their intention to call pelosi to the stand the donkeys folded up their tent and said enough. And still we had seven TRAITOROUS BASTARDS that voted with the donkeys to convict. Unbelievable!!!

  3. 2024 campaign has just begun! And a big fu to the following:
    Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
    Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC)
    Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA)
    Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
    Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)
    Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE)
    Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA)…may their last breaths in the Senate be laborious and painful.

  4. Didn’t even watch it. It was a threat by the swamp to anyone who would dare oppose it: fuck with us, and we drag you before a kangaroo court.

    The GOP is done. Trump needs to start a new party. It’ll be great!

  5. So? They’ll just write a law saying that Trump and anyone who supported Trump or retweeted Trump or like the color orange can never ever hold office. They can pass it with their stolen majority, have it signed by their pedophile illegitimate faux “president”, and have fellow pedophile Roberts declare it 150% constitutional, no prob, and then Dominion can program their machines accordingly…

  6. This second show trail/impeachment will backfire and those RINOs who supported it aren’t getting away with anything. The crap they have pulled on this country won’t be forgotten.
    The left can keep flexing their padded fake muscles, but God has the last word on these continued attacks from the left against the United States and President Trump.
    The Kraken’s got nothing on a righteous man scorned. President Trump will be vindicated.

  7. Ben Sasse doesn’t seem to give a shit or understand why he was censured. Too bad Trump lowered himself to endorse that POS. I don’t believe he’ll be reelected….but that’s too far off to keep putting up with his crap. A big F U to all of those compromised RINOs!

  8. The lying media will continue to say Trump was impeached twice, but of course never mention that he was acquitted twice.

    The whole second “impeachment” was done without the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presiding, which is how it should have been conducted according to Article I, Sec. 3. of the constitution. The entire proceeding should therefore be considered null and void and all records of it destroyed.

  9. Left Coast Dan FEBRUARY 13, 2021 AT 4:01 PM

    57-43??? How the hell did 7 GOP senators think that Trump should be convicted based upon nothing but rhetoric from the prosecution???

    Honestly, I think they are looking at being favored by the Dems going forward. They’ve been Dems in Rino clothing anyway.

    My other observation is that 45 said it wasn’t constitutional in the first place. Who are these other two that switched opinion and why did they lie in the first place?

    Traitors have weird logic. The only thing consistent about them is their inconsistency. Maybe they function much like Dory. Short term memory loss. Everything is new all the time.


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