Dems Wanting Biden’s COVID Bonanza Will Have To Cut Something Else They Love – IOTW Report

Dems Wanting Biden’s COVID Bonanza Will Have To Cut Something Else They Love


Democrats seeking to quickly pass President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus spending bill prepare to trigger billions in cuts to Medicare and farm subsidies.

The cuts would be implemented if Democrats pursued passage of the gigantic spending bill through budget reconciliation, which allows Democrats to circumvent Republican negotiations by requiring a simple majority as opposed to a 60-vote minimum. If Democrats went the traditional route to pass the bill, they could stave off the automatic cuts, but would need to court support from 10 Republican senators. More

10 Comments on Dems Wanting Biden’s COVID Bonanza Will Have To Cut Something Else They Love

  1. “…would need to court support from 10 Republican senators. ”

    …well, we know there’s 7 that will kneel and bob for them on demand, so really they just need to find 3…

  2. The Repube’s will cave and give the Demon Dem’s everything they want. 🤨It’s always the same bullshit, never changes, damn politicians should be in prison not in charge of our lives. 🤬

  3. How much could 3 republicants cost?? Come on, man!

    And Joey bragged about how many yrs he spent in The Swamp, how well he knows its critters, and how he can deal with them better than President Trump !


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