Hey, Nancy – IOTW Report

Hey, Nancy

h/t Doc.

25 Comments on Hey, Nancy

  1. Has there ever been a more putrid piece of shit member of Congress then Nancy Pelosi? Ted Kennedy set a standard that’s indisputable, but really she’s like a shared barf bag without a bottom….

  2. MJA has evil thoughts. If Nancy becomes President, I’m storming the gates with a short legged heeler, a rat terrier and an ancient dachshund and some anger issues….actually sounds kind of cathartic. I’ll bring the coyote call….

  3. Can’t believe she has been around as long as she has. So pathetic really. Sad. We need to pray for her. I know, I know you don’t want to hear it but it’s the only way. It actually hurts me, in many ways to say it BUT pray for her to understand how evil she is and needs to repent.

    God Bless us all!

  4. The unstable old hag is teetering on the on the edge of a full mental collapse. Every time she thinks she has Trump cornered he slips away. The strain is wearing on the egotistical twat.
    It’s actually enjoyable to see her suffer.

  5. DJT must be closest president to George Washington as we will ever have.

    IF he was guilty of any crime it would have been found out and he would have been prosecuted for it.

    Ole honest Don !!!!!

    Suck on that all you never Trump assholes!!!!


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