GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s family DISOWNS him for opposing Trump – IOTW Report

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s family DISOWNS him for opposing Trump


11 relatives sign handwritten letter calling him a ‘disappointment to God and Lou Dobbs’ and a member of the ‘devil’s army’ after he backed impeachment.

  • The letter was penned to Kinzinger on January 8 by his cousin Lisa Otto and 10 other members of his family, calling him a ‘disappointment’ and ’embarrassment’
  • The note came just two days after the House Republican, of Illinois, called on Trump to be removed from office, following the Capitol riots on January 6
  • He was accused by his family of ‘joining the devil’s army’ – specified as being ‘Democrats and the fake news media’ – for publicly opposing Trump
  • They also said they were embarrassed of him for losing the respect of a cohort of Fox News hosts, such as Lou Dobbs, in addition to radio host Rush Limbaugh
  • Kinzinger said he was unbothered by the letter, insisting the family members behind have been ‘brainwashed’ by conservative churches
  • The 43-year-old was only one of three House Republicans who voted both to impeach Trump and also strip Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee posts 


ht/ hot salsa

10 Comments on GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s family DISOWNS him for opposing Trump

  1. His eyes are quite close together. Usually indicates a narrow skull and increased pressure on the brain. Explains a lot on inbred dogs so I’m going to agree with his family members.

  2. Another lying hypocrite.
    Another Traitor – both to his country and to his Party.
    What a shit-stain.
    His contempt for facts and evidence is breathtaking. A true fellow-traveler.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences.
    Go against the family, get disowned by the family.
    By raise of hands, who did NOT see this coming?

  4. “Kinzinger said he was unbothered by the letter, insisting the family members behind have been ‘brainwashed’ by conservative churches.”

    You have just read a real-life example of the idiom “throwing fuel on a fire”.

  5. He’s “The Dossier Bitch” first person that got a copy from McStain. My “Congressman “ what a POS lying democrat in a military camouflage uniform. Running Dog for the CCC.


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