Shakespeare Canceled By Woke Teachers for ‘Misogyny, Racism’ – IOTW Report

Shakespeare Canceled By Woke Teachers for ‘Misogyny, Racism’

TuskerDaily – William Shakespeare, thou shalt be canceled so sayeth woke liberal loony-toon teachers.

An increasing number of woke teachers are refusing to study the Bard — accusing classic works that were penned by William Shakesphere of promoting “misogyny, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, and misogynoir.”

A slew of woke English literature teachers told the School Library Journal (SLJ) how they were ditching the likes of “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet” to “make room for modern, diverse, and inclusive woke voices.”

Shakespeare scholar Ayanna Thompson, a professor of English at Arizona State University screeched:

“Shakespeare was a tool used to ‘civilize’ Black and brown people in England’s empire,”

Finish reading here.

h/t MaryfromMarin “It probably makes them feel good to pull down those who accomplished infinitely more than they ever will.”

25 Comments on Shakespeare Canceled By Woke Teachers for ‘Misogyny, Racism’

  1. Not related, but I performed a revolutionary act today. At the supermarket check-out I turned over all the latest People magazines whose front page is Joe & Jill so the back cover was facing out…

    Well maybe not revolutionary but it gave me a juvenile thrill LOL!

  2. Lets be honest. These teachers don’t even understand regular English, math or science so Shakespeare is not even within the realm of possibility.

    Ebonics and Whap whap is their specialty.

  3. misogynoir — Looked it up, laughed.

    I was already expecting them to suggest replacing Shakespeare with .. I dunno, MaryLou Angelou, or sumthin.

    Western Civilization is absolutely their Nemesis. Anything that requires intellectual ambition.

    Tongue clicks not iambs !! Word.

  4. BTW, teachers opinions would matter, even in their own field, if a few of them could be culled that had IQs even a fraction of a point above 100.
    Intelligence matters. For the chillrun !

  5. Shakespeare is the greatest singular collection of the study of the different facets of human nature found outside The Bible.
    It must be destroyed, or at least denigrated and ignored, to help maintain the umbrella of ignorance over the subject peoples.

    They will not succeed. Perhaps over the short term, but certainly not where it matters. For a thing to be superseded, that which is to supersede must be SUPERIOR to that which is being replaced – and there is no evidence that the “scholars” are in any way superior to Shakespeare, or that any of the fetid swill they intend to “teach” is superior.

    A coterie of Lilliputian pecker gnats attacking giants.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I liked the Kenneth Branagh movie version of Henry the 5th better than I did Braveheart. Who doesn’t get stirred listening to Henry the 5th when Henry gave the Band of Brothers speech before The Battle of Agincourt. I watched it with my father in law when it first came out on video in the early 90’s.

  7. But you’re right. Left Tarnish was festering just beneath the surface forty years ago

    Case in point: ASU’s most revered law professors at the time, William Canby is now on the 9th Circuit Court of Legal Schizophrenia

  8. “The Devil knows Scripture …” is also one of Shakespeare’s.
    “Merchant of Venice” I think, but I’m not sure.

    Good to watch and good to read. Even his worst play is great.
    These fucking pukes who call themselves “playwrights” today wouldn’t make a pimple on the ass of the flea that lived in Shakespeare’s horse’s tail.

    izlamo delenda est …


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