MORAN-N-CHEIᖷ Says He’s Going To Get Economy Going Like We Haven’t Seen “In a Long Time” – IOTW Report

MORAN-N-CHEIᖷ Says He’s Going To Get Economy Going Like We Haven’t Seen “In a Long Time”

Ask him to define “long time.”

He thinks prior to their manufactured Covid Crisis the economy wasn’t doing well?


Moron HERE

29 Comments on MORAN-N-CHEIᖷ Says He’s Going To Get Economy Going Like We Haven’t Seen “In a Long Time”

  1. The Corn Cobbed Chrystal Nickle Fuckers collectively don’t have what IQ it takes to operate a toilet plunger and hand a guy a clean towel… and yet there isn’t a damnable one of them who doesn’t fancy themselves endowed with some magical ability to centrally manage an entire economy. GTFOH.

  2. Libtards idea of a booming economy, step one, raise taxes and borrow money from Chyna so less than 1% of the population can repair bridges and shit. There is no step two. And the repairs will actually start in 4 years after the environmental impact studies are completed. What a damn joke.

  3. “Yea down hill. Just like Obama.”

    The economy didn’t go downhill under Obama, it didn’t do braggably well but it did recover somewhat from the way Bush left it.

    Trump did well for the first few years, especially for the richer folk, but left office with the economy in worse shape than when he took office.

    Those are the facts, even if you don’t like them.

    So now we get to see what Biden can do, but I’m not expecting much more than a modest recovery and improvement from our current conditions. Relatively poor economic conditions suit the Leftist agenda and help it gain support.

  4. “Those are the facts, even if you don’t like them.”

    Wow, your missing a bunch here. If you don’t think COVID was engineered by the Deep State and the Chicoms to destroy the Trump economy your nuts. The timing was to perfect. They all new there was no way to defeat him with the economy ramping up the way it was.
    Your helping out the rich comment is a little simplistic too.He helped out small business. That’s where it needs to start. If I’m going to pay my employees more, I need revenue.

  5. In fairness to the perv in chief, he probable don’t remember anything past Covid-19. I’m sure that’s when they started doping him up to make him look as normal as possible.

  6. The Great Depression, yes. Specifically, the U.S. economy under Pretender Biden will look like 1932 when the GNP fell 13.4 percent, unemployment rose to 23.6 percent, and industrial stocks lost 80 percent of their value compared to 1930.

  7. @ Anonymous FEBRUARY 19, 2021 AT 12:36 PM

    “from the way Bush left it”

    That too was an engineered crash heading into an election. Not that Bush policies were anything to crow about.

  8. ” If you don’t think COVID was engineered by the Deep State and the Chicoms to destroy the Trump economy your nuts.”

    And what exactly, and I mean specifically exactly not assumptively exactly, makes you think I think that way?

    You need to examine your thinking for accuracy, and adjust your thought process to make it that way.

  9. “And what exactly, and I mean specifically exactly not assumptively exactly, makes you think I think that way?”

    I don’t think you think that way. That’s the problem. When I read comments like “Trump did well for the first few years, especially for the richer folk” I immediately think Libtard.

  10. Vice President Hoover, it has a nice ring to it. Can’t believe it took me this long to come up with that one. I have been trying to come up with a good name for it and I think I have finally found one I can settle on.

  11. Can ANYONE make the case for a strong economy under Biden?

    Specifics please.

    And..all economic indicators (and I mean from government websites) were red under Obama.

    This numbnuts is Obama 3.0.

  12. “long time”… translation, this morning.

    There was an article in our local paper about two residents down State who had flags that said “F–k Biden and F–k you for voting for him”. Some people complained to the police but were told the flag flyers had a First Amendment right to fly them.

    Flags are available on Amazon. They’re probably made in China….you know, just like Resident Biden.

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