DeSantis announces election integrity reforms including banning mass mailing of vote-by-mail ballots – IOTW Report

DeSantis announces election integrity reforms including banning mass mailing of vote-by-mail ballots

NewsThud: Friday, Florida governor Ron DeSantis announced several measures meant to ensure election integrity.

DeSantis’ proposal would ban “mass mailing of vote-by-mail ballots.”

It would also  require requests for vote-by-mail ballots to be made each election year and require a signature on a ballot to match “the most recent signature on file.” read more

12 Comments on DeSantis announces election integrity reforms including banning mass mailing of vote-by-mail ballots

  1. does anybody know if anything happened at SCOTUS on the election cases today? I can’t find anything

    even if its bad news
    which I half expect

    but miracles could happen though far fetched

  2. “…integrity reforms including banning mass mailing of vote-by-mail ballots.” Well we can’t have that now, can we.

    Dee: I haven’t heard, either. However, if it was bad new we probably would have heard. At least that is my guess.

  3. @dee
    FEBRUARY 19, 2021 AT 7:53 PM
    “does anybody know if anything happened at SCOTUS on the election cases today? I can’t find anything.”

    That’s by design. Extremely hard to find decisions, even harder to see how the justices voted. Bad news for our side gets reported immediately, with glee. Good news gets ignored and buried.

  4. The SC is yanking our chains:

    Supreme Court has not been meeting in person since this COVID foolishness started. They meet on-line via Zoom. Usually they announce from the bench what cases they will take or not take, but with COVID they’ve been posting those decisions on their website instead. Bottom line: We won’t know if they granted cert or not, and if cert has been granted, what dates have been set for oral arguments, until February 25, the date of the official announcement via website.

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