GOLD! – IOTW Report


How was it made?

Gold dates from the time of the supernova explosion that gave birth to our solar system. When it was created, the Earth included a tiny percentage of gold atoms, and over the aeons geologic processes.

31 Comments on GOLD!

  1. Witchcraft.

    Everyone knows gold is formed when two bits of nickle are squeezed together so hard they form tiny jewposits of gold.

    Yeah, I know. But ‘jewposits of gold’ is super hard to work into a joke.

  2. The US Dollar in only worth about 7 cents to what it was when President Nixon abandoned the Gold Standard on August 15, 1971. Without the requirement to have sufficient gold reserves to back every dollar printed by the Treasury, inflation was inevitable. Gold was selling for $1,784.28 an ounce on Friday. Once hyper-inflation sets in, gold will be worth $3,000.00 an ounce or more, but bread will be selling $30.00 a loaf. Buy lots of bread now, and make a fortune selling it in a year or two.

  3. “… inflation was inevitable.”
    That was, and is, the intention. I don’t know much about economics, but inflationary policies seem to be the goal of every nation/state. And it’s the control of the inflation rate that’s precarious. Whoever controls the rate of inflation also reaps the greatest rewards from that inflationary policy.
    If you bought gold at $1300/oz. a couple of years ago you probably felt stupid – but if you’d known what the Fed knew, it’d be a brilliant move.

    It’s easier to predict the future when the deck is stacked – and you’re the guy dealing.

    I don’t know if all this fiat money will lead to increased inflation or collapse. Maybe both. Pretty sure we’re in for a rough ride.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “I don’t know if all this fiat money will lead to increased inflation or collapse. Maybe both. Pretty sure we’re in for a rough ride.”

    Usually inflation that leads to hyperinflation that leads to collapse and a new currency system emerging.

    I think that this time the new currency system will be a worldwide uniform currency with national currencies being rare or non existent, and will probably be digital in nature as well with the entire system controlled some newly created and nationally independent central authority.

    After the establishment of the now world currency, it will be illegal to trade -to buy or sell anything- in any other form of currency (including the metals).

    This could happen a lot faster than you might imagine.

  5. I keep looking for Leprechauns because they’re hoarding all the gold.

    For a real good laugh, go on YouTube, do a search on “Mobile Leprechaun”. Once you’re done laughing then search on “piece of burger king”

    Both are a different sort of gold, it’s COMEDY GOLD

  6. The reason the Swiss franc was considered to be the most stable currency in the world was the requirement that it be backed by gold, which kept the inflation rate for the Swiss franc below 0.5% for decades. Politicians don’t care if printing more paper money causes inflation anymore, because it buys votes and that’s more important than economic stability. We are all Zimbabweans now.

  7. And in Nevada, where gold production supports many of our frontier counties, the state legislature is poised to triple their taxes and seize what little revenues local governments get, which will drive some of them into bankruptcy. And with Las Vegas (an upholstered sewer) and Reno in the driver’s seat with their voters turning blue, they’ll probably succeed.

  8. @Marco, learn to bake bread. You know what’s in it, where the hands have been who made it, and what the ingredients are. People need to do for themselves instead of depending on others. You will save yourself a lot of whining and being angry because there’s no bread on the shelf.

  9. Every single element with a higher atomic number than Iron (Fe) was made in a supernova. Fusions stops with Iron. It takes larger forces to make anything heavier. And the only higher forces than those in the center of an active star are supernovas and black holes. And nothing comes out of a black hole.

  10. “And with Las Vegas (an upholstered sewer)”
    That is a hilarious and true statement. Good one! lolol

    Yeah, make your own bread, people. I stick with French bread, but if anybody makes sourdough, send me some! lol

    “And nothing comes out of a black hole.”
    Have you met the 0bamas? lol.

  11. TheMule,
    I believe gold has been made in Nuclear Reactors.
    Too expensive to be a viable source, though.
    Same way they make Plutonium, just a little lower on the Periodic Table.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. @Tim:

    So, Uncle Al, do you hold it or trade it for paper? Roughly, what?, 425% increase? Hope you bought tons of it! Pretty shrewd.

    I hold it in the form of Krugerrands, Maple Leafs, Eagles, and a few other coins and a handful of non-monetary rounds. The first gold coins I bought were about $485/oz. I couldn’t afford tons, but I do have several pounds. (-:

  13. Austrian Philharmonics are pretty.
    I’m saving up to buy one but the price keeps creeping out of reach.

    Oh, well … “… I talked to god, I knew he’d understand, He said, “Stick by my side and I’ll be your guiding hand. But don’t ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to …””

    I bought two Austrian 1915 restrike ducats but I gave em to my sons … prolly ended up in a gum machine.

    izlamo delenda est …

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