Tomorrow’s Rush Radio Show – IOTW Report

Tomorrow’s Rush Radio Show

His wife is sitting in and taking calls.

Don’t know if I can even listen. Don’t know if I can’t not.

ht/ phenry

38 Comments on Tomorrow’s Rush Radio Show

  1. I’ve tried to listen to him speaking in various tributes, etc., but it just saddens me too much and I have to tune out. I guess I’m turning into an old softie or something.

  2. Can’t really even read any of the posts or tributes. Maybe it will just take some time… 😭 😢 He was such an important part of my daily life for almost 30 years.

  3. I believe it is incumbent upon us to listen and phone in if possible. Mrs Limbaugh is a grieving widow and not only does she need to feel the support and love but it’s also an opportunity for us to attend his wake, in a sense. I will probably shed some tears but that happens when you say goodbye to a loved one. I think it will be the most listened program in the shows history. God bless and Godspeed Rush Limbaugh.

  4. I missed out on the first dedication post.
    I’m still so sad.
    He was my partner on the radio through so many hard personal times I went through.
    All the time I was in a little shit town in VA (c-ville) there was no conservative voice but his. I remember pulling into a gas station and this elderly gentleman had his car door open with Rush on the radio.
    I felt like I had found a friend. As I was getting gas, I told him that I liked what was on his radio.
    He smiled and said it was the only sanity he had in that town.
    RIP Rush. 💜

  5. Kathryn doesn’t strike me as a talkative person. I heard her speak about Rush when he passed away. I dunno how she’ll do, no one can take his place and shouldn’t even try. It will never be the same.

  6. …I love my wife. We’ve woven our lives together for more years than our 25 of marriage suggests. We live together, eat together, fight together, had a son together, shared our hopes, dreams, and fears together, and many times many are the days I’ve regaled her with tales from my various works. She knows be better than any living person should.

    But she could not do my job.

    ANY job I’ve ever done.

    And I could not do hers.

    …marriage is a wonderful thing, but it does not make for an osmotic transference of skills. At the end of day we are still island’s, each individual culminations of the separate life experiences we’ve had to this point, and the fact that much 9f those are common to us, does NOT mean they ALL are.

    Also, God made us for His reasons, according to His plan, and equipped us with His gifts for what He would have us do. Those gifts often complement each other in married people, but they are not the SAME gifts.

    …as it is with us, so too, sadly, it is with the Limbaughs. She may have learned something listening to her husband all that time, may have developed a feel for his audience, and she may well learn and grow and become a great talk show host in her OWN right, and God bless her for trying through her tears.

    But she will NOT be Rush. It will NOT be the Rush Limbaugh show. Kathrine Limbaugh may well prove to be a fine SUCCESSOR to Rush, but she will remain who she is, and so cannot REPLACE Rush, and it would be unfair for us to burden her with the expectations that she WILL.

    The Lord will send us another voice, in His time and according to His purposes. He may choose her, or he may not.

    The least we can do is listen to see if He did…

    May God bless Kathrine Limbaugh. Whatever WE’VE lost, SHE’S lost so much MORE…

  7. I will tune in.
    My two cents has it right, she needs to know that we are still here.
    This will be the loneliest time for her and the saddest.
    The pain will never go away it will just lessen as time goes slowly on for her. I know how she is feeling, AA lost her husband less then 2 years before we met.
    So yes I will listen, it is the best thing you can do for a grieving person, just hear their story.
    God bless her and comfort her in her pain.

  8. I’m glad that Rush was blessed with Kathryn’s love and care at the end of his life. Hearing from her will be the closure I need, because I still can’t process his death. My day’s activities revolved around his show schedule and certain guest hosts. Rush knew for quite a while that the end was near. Perhaps he had a plan as to what form his campaign for conservativism would go on after he left.

  9. Rush pushed himself to the limit in September and October. He was on a mission from God to get Trump re-elected.

    He succeeded. Trump won. The left revealed their total dishonesty and deviousness.
    We now know who we are dealing with.

  10. I’ll be listening. I have such respect and admiration for her.
    Do you realize, she made it possible for us to hear from her, not the drive-by media, that our beloved Rush was gone?
    I am 1000% sure she was the driving force behind that decision. God bless her.
    If she stutters and chokes up and repeats herself, I don’t GAF. She is his equal to my ears, and she has earned my undying admiration.

  11. I can’t not listen. I feel like I lost my best friend. I am still letting go.
    AGATHA, I agree. Must have been hard to keep it a secret till showtime time. But she did it for his listeners. We knew first and heard it from her.

  12. I wonder if she will be backlined in case she falters. I wouldn’t blame her if she did. (Maybe David Limbaugh?) I never even knew Rush yet I get a lump in my throat just thinking about what a friend he’s been to me. Can’t imagine being in her place.

  13. I miss Rush so much. Yet, I have finally accepted the Lord’s decision to take him home.

    Katherine is a wonderful person still mourning. It’s probably too early for her to know what’s next for her or the show, even though Rush made plans, things can change especially considering the hostility against conservative media.

    There will never be another Rush, but a good candidate to host the show would be his brother, David.

    I will listening to Rush’s show Monday to hear how Katherine is coping and find out the plans for the future of the show.

    After 30 years being a Rush listener, it’s going to really be difficult not hearing Rush tear the left and RINOs to pieces every weekday, based on current events.

    Every once in a while I might tune in, especially if the show is still around and has a great host.

  14. We are all Rush. He has spawned tens of millions of us. Rarely has a man had the influence that he had. He must be considered a modern day saint to have withstood the persecution he has, and all with a cheerful countenance.

  15. PHenry:
    Mike Pence was invited – and he refused to go!

    Pence is old-school, which is a cut above rino, a cut above shit like Nikki Haley, but well, well below Trump, De Santis, Mike Pompeo and the like.

  16. @anonymous.

    I will be curious as to the line up.

    I used to LOVE going to CPAC every year. Andrew, Coulter before she went nuts, Bannon, Michael Barone, art linkletter, pretty much all the people over the years. Hanging out in the bar after sessions with people you read and saw on television. I bought a drink for the curmudgeonly Drudge when he was a force.

    Great fun drinking with Bill Bennett, bantering with Mark Levin. Chilling with Michelle Malkin. Wow. That was fun.

    If I’d been paying attention and knew it is in FL and not DC, I would be there.

  17. We get to have a few more days to grieve.

    But in order to save the country that Rush loved so much, the country we all love so much, passivity is not an option.

    It starts at the local level, run and win at the school board and county commissioner level. Then the state government level. Virginia, for instance, is electing a new governor this year.

    Seven states need a new US Senator next year.

    Anybody here up to the task? Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Maine, Arkansas, Utah, Louisiana, North Carolina need a total overhaul.

  18. I’ve been crying all year since Rush announced his diagnosis. I started putting on the “Dittocam” so I could watch him while he was still with us. He was so energetic during his last shows, Feb 1 and 2, that I was caught off guard. My radio dad is gone, but I will remember and honor him for the rest of my life.


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