‘ABC forgets’ documentary which ‘absolutely skewers the renewable energy industry’ – IOTW Report

‘ABC forgets’ documentary which ‘absolutely skewers the renewable energy industry’

It’s from last April, but nothing changed.

A new documentary produced by the “far green left” has in fact put the argument forward “that renewable energy is not clean, not green and not practical,” according to Sky News host Chris Kenny.

Environmental documentary film, ‘The Planet of the Humans,’ absolutely “skewers the renewable energy industry,” Mr Kenny said. “The film goes on to attack major corporations for their pretense, their virtue-signalling on renewable energy”. Mr Kenny said the stance taken in the documentary is “kinda strange” given the executive producer is Michael Moore, who is a “millionaire, leftist, academy award winning director”.

Mr Kenny said, “why isn’t the ABC talking about this, showing this, debating this?” “They usually love Mike Moore’s films; they usually love to promote the political films of the green left”. “This one goes too far for them of course, it attacks renewables and it attacks climate alarmists that they regard as secular saints, like Al Gore”. He said the new film, “seems to present too many inconvenient truths” for even the ABC to report on.

10 Comments on ‘ABC forgets’ documentary which ‘absolutely skewers the renewable energy industry’

  1. The only decent thing more put out in decades, possibly ever, and it was even online for free.

    He is still a fat asshole though.

    Who knows, maybe he will put something out on the election steal if any lefties will back him.

  2. The difference is that “orange man” is no longer President.

    Biden is not, never has been, nor ever will be the legitimate President of the United States.

    The election was stolen.

  3. I watched Michael Moore’s documentary last spring. It inadvertently exposed the “green” agenda as total hypocrisy. The thrust of the leftist oriented documentary was that we need to “do more” to make sure we are actually green. The truth is it exposed how stupid and unobtainable a completely renewable power grid is. Moore is so beholden to his utopian worldview (religion) that he is blind to the story he actually told.

  4. @Ed357

    I watched it and was quite horrified to see all those trees getting clear cut in a way that has not occurred in 30 years.

    The one big difference is the creation of a fake carbon offset market and the skim from people that were on the outside of Big Oil like Gore. Now Gore gets a cut for blowing hot air out his ass & the lisping face hole he stuffs so fast with pie that he looks like a bleached soy whale.

  5. If climate change is caused by warming of earth by humans, why doesn’t anyone question the impact of SOLAR PANELS on atmosphere heating?

    The left creates and perpetuates its money laundering schemes! Always.

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