What?? Mike Pence Still Buddies With President Trump?? – IOTW Report

What?? Mike Pence Still Buddies With President Trump??

Mike Pence Makes Major Move To
Show He Has Donald Trump’s Back

Conservative Brief – The mainstream media desperately wants everyone to believe that Donald Trump and Mike Pence do not speak and have no relationship.

As the tabloid gossip has persisted, Pence just came forward with a statement that makes it clear he has Trump’s back and full support.

Marc Short, the former chief of staff to Pence, said on Fox News that Pence and Trump speak regularly and plan to play a big role in the 2022 elections to help Republicans take back the U.S. Senate and House.

“Despite their differences, the reality is that they’ve had multiple conversations before [they] departed. The president thanked the vice president for his service, told him he did a great job, and they’ve even had conservations since then, including even this week,” Short said.

Trump “thanked” the vice president and told him he did a “great job” while in office, he continued.


Is this for real? Mike Pence, the traitor, still ‘friends’ with President Trump?

24 Comments on What?? Mike Pence Still Buddies With President Trump??

  1. Like “nikki haley”……

    pence stood back and threw Trump45 to the wolves…..

    Now that Trump45 has more than 55% conservative approval…..

    the decepticons have to crawl back.

  2. @ joe6pak FEBRUARY 27, 2021 AT 7:00 PM

    That speech has the chance of going down in history. It has the opportunity to capitalize on the blind arrogance of the Democrat/establishment Republican coalition and ignite the American people under the banner of Constitutional conservatism and take the fight to the enemy.

    Donald Trump got more legitimate votes than any Presidential candidate ever, and by a huge margin. Never forget that. The Democrats and establishment Republicans are holed up in DC behind a fence topped with razor wire and are begging for more of it to keep us out. Who exactly is trying to get in? Fuck if I know.

    I’m all for leaving them right there behind their fences while Constitutional conservatives lead by the man who got more legitimate votes than any other Presidential candidate ever, and by a wide margin, barnstorm the country and take the fight to the enemy.

    If I might be so bold as to suggest a theme for the man who got more legitimate votes for President than any candidate in the history of the United States, let the speech revolve around this: ‘ We’re not holding a goddamned thing. We’re advancing constantly and we’re not interested in holding anything except the enemy’s balls. We’re going to hold him by his balls and we’re going to kick him in the ass; twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all the time. We’re going to go through the enemy like shit through a tinhorn.

  3. Somehow Trump needs to find real allies and Patriotic Americans to be on his team. Pence and Meadows? Damn, he has to do better than that. Mr. and Mrs. Kushner need to be out of the picture as well. If he can’t build a new team winning an election is almost irrelevant. Will I still support and vote for him, damn right I will. Mike Flynn is a guy to keep, and I still would like to know where in the world Adm. Mike Rogers. The guy was an early hero, then disappeared.

  4. Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it? The establishment R’s see their chance to rid their party of Trump, throw him to the fucking wolves, think that their base will just move on and forget, and then discover that it’s THEIR asses on the political chopping block and not Trump’s.

  5. I’m thinking the more the left goes left the more popularity Trump will have.
    Who here believes that 2 and 4 years from now we will have a chance of winning anything without divine intervention from God himself. I hope Trump has a good plan with the Patriots as well.

  6. That picture. Is Pence coming out of the swamp, standing still, or backing deeper into it? I say the last one. He has shown his true colors and is now the property of the democrat party.

  7. I think the fact that anyone has to even think for a moment where Pence’s loyalties are is proof enough of where his loyalties are. Full-throated support or get lost.


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