By Ted Noel, MD
Recently I was “fact checked” by PolitiFact for a demo I did showing that masks don’t stop the spread of aerosols (longer one here, shorter one here). The reporter asked for my comments and then said what his narrative required, without regard for any scientific data. The list of CDC and Medscape information in the video description escaped his attention. He also completely ignored the fact that Anthony Fauci has flip-flopped on masks more than a fresh-caught fish on deck.
Scientists have been very busy. When the Wuhan Flu came to America, we were told to constantly bathe our hands in sanitizer. Now we know that very few cases are spread by contact, so constant hand-washing isn’t necessary. That leaves droplets and aerosols. Unfortunately, many studies use arbitrary size criteria to distinguish between them, giving us confusing answers. A better distinction is that droplets are too heavy to stay suspended in the air, so they follow a spitball’s trajectory to the floor. Aerosols can stay suspended for hours, much like cigarette smoke.
Masks work really well against spitballs — oops, droplets. These larger particles hit and stick. They don’t get through. So if you cough or sneeze, your mask, handkerchief, or elbow will do a great job of protecting your neighbor. But what about aerosols? You emit them every time you breathe, and if your neighbor sniffs after you break wind, you emitted an aerosol there, too. (Incidentally, COVID-19 is present in sewage in high concentrations.) We have enough data to show that these smaller, airborne particles are the real culprit in COVID-19 spread. How good are masks against aerosols? more
SNIP: Oh, that’s nasty.
h/t NAAC
This guy is putrid, isn’t he?
The science is and always has been, an M95 mask filters particles down to 350 microns. Chinaflew spores are 1/3 that size. Anybody that uses retained documented information for a living knows that midget is a total loser. Further more, the sugges:demand to wear multiple masks is an admission masks don’t work. Fauci is rowing in circles. He’s a dead fucking loser.
Fauci: The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire U.S. Federal Government:
Fauci will make $2.5 million from 2019 through 2024. Even without a raise, he will make still make another $4,583,333 in salary if he doesn’t drop dead between now and 2035.
The most highly paid, most useless, most malignant hack in US history.
Multiple masks is/are a stupid thing. The only way they filter is if the air goes through them. Put on two masks and the airflow restriction is so bad that the air just goes out the perimeter. How many people have their glasses fog up in cold weather when they wear a mask? every one of them is breathing aerosols aroud the leaking perimeter.
I find myself mumbling bullshit all too often every time I have to put on a friggin mask when I’m in a public place that requires them. Enough already with the damn face diapers and I’m tired of my glasses constantly fogging up as well where I can’t see anything.
Read this if you want to know what a bastard Fauci is…
I carry a cheap-ass blue paper mask for the mask Nazis at places that I absolutely have to go in. Otherwise, piss off, I’ll do without or order online. I’m pretty sure there’s more nastiness in the mask after a few uses than anything it can filter out. It’s good for virtue signaling, but for covid protection, people around me get no protection. None. Zip. Zero. Nada Comaneci.
I have a mask that reads F U but I don’t wear it because not wearing one is the best FU you can demonstrate…
Find a mask that can stop a fart and you’ll have a good solution for people like Phony Tony da Fouch who like to talk out their ass!
Leftists are the ones who constantly say, “follow the science”.
Of course they mean their science. Like their truth.
Sonograms show a little person with a beating heart but that’s not their science.
Real science shows masks are useless but that’s not their science.
Follow the money.
Fauci is a modern day Dr Mengele!
He’s used “foster kids” as guinea pigs in the past.
He flip flops so often that he’s not to be trusted.
How many times do I have to tell you – correct spelling is Politi’fact’.
Just in case someone hasn’t seen it.
Police State Contagion: US Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time
Told my wife the next time Ebola breaks out in some African sh*thole we’re opening a fabric store there and selling cutesy fabrics to make masks from. We’ll make a killing AND save millions of lives. Shoo in for a Nobel Prize.
For Size comparisons