Georgia House Passes Election Reform Bill – IOTW Report

Georgia House Passes Election Reform Bill

Palmieri Report-

From The Election Wizard:

A sweeping bill that restricts ballot drop boxes, requires ID for absentee voting and limits weekend early voting days has passed the Georgia House.

House Bill 531 passed 97-72, straight down party lines. The House took up the controversial bill right after lunch Monday.

This bill would do a number of things like reduce the number of early voting days, require an ID to apply for an absentee ballot and would make it a misdemeanor to give voters food or drink in the voting line if they’re within 150 feet of a polling place.

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9 Comments on Georgia House Passes Election Reform Bill

  1. …wow,that’s a lotta new stuff they say they’re gonna do.

    Just pile it up over there, next to all the OTHER laws they failed to enforce.

    I notice that none of this proposes to do anything about ME.

    …I guess they still don’t want to admit that MY vote is the only one that really MATTERS.

    So *vote on, GA, *vote on. It’ll be fun to watch.

    I’ll still be there to make sure it comes out ri…I mean, LEFT, in the end…

  2. Funny, I don’t know GA law, or anything, but isn’t stealing elections illegal, already? Voter fraud? Lying? Perjury? Treason?

    Well, since they’ve done it and gotten away with it, I guess it wasn’t!

    Hush my mouth and pass the biscuits!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. PS What Marc Short did or didn’t do is irrelevant.

    Pence still allowed treason.

    Marc Short didn’t make Pence a weak kneed Swamp establishment “republican”, he was that way long before, and specifically forced on Trump for the exact reason of giving the Swamp a close insider in the White House to control him.

    Pence is guilty of dereliction of duty at a minimum, Short or no Short.

    No man avoids hell by saying another man made him sin.

    I would not avoid jail for murder by testifying another man told me to kill.

    Pence cannot escape the treason HE committed by saying so either.

    “The devil made me do it” doesn’t work for toddlers.

    So it’s not an valid excuse for the second most powerful man in the world to shirk his duty either.

    Mike Pence is a criminal because he aided and abetted the worst crime this Country has ever seen that will cause the deaths of millions.

    And while he’s welcome to take Marc Short down with him,

    He will STILL have to answer for HIS crime.

    Or later…

  4. Dateline October 2024: The Georgia Supreme Court just declared null and void all the Georgia election reform laws passed in 2021, after a lawsuit brought by the Georgia democrat party which declared the laws racist. Mail-in ballots were delivered last week to all democrat voters in the state.

  5. More con men republicans pretending to do something when it doesn’t mean shit.
    They had their chance when it counted. They proudly let the dems steal the election.

    A bill now does not do a damn thing.


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