Follow Up: MN DOT Names Eight Snow Plows – IOTW Report

Follow Up: MN DOT Names Eight Snow Plows


Eight Minnesota snowplows have new names this week after more than 122,000 Minnesotans voted in MnDOT’s Name a Snowplow contest last month.

In February, the state’s department of transportation released the 50 finalist names it narrowed down from the more than 22,000 initial submissions. After the voting concluded, the eight names receiving the most votes were announced winners.

They are, in order of vote totals:

  • Plowy McPlowFace – Metro District
  • Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya – District 4
  • Duck Duck Orange Truck – District 1
  • Plow Bunyan – District 2
  • Snowbi Wan Kenobi – District 6
  • F. Salt Fitzgerald – District 7
  • Darth Blader – District 3
  • The Truck Formerly Known As Plow – District 8


19 Comments on Follow Up: MN DOT Names Eight Snow Plows

  1. ‘Drivin’ n’ Plowin”
    ‘Car Burier’
    ‘Plowing Your Highway, Re-Burying Your Driveway’
    ‘Plow 16 Tons & Whadda Ya Get?’ … apologies to Tennessee Ernie Ford
    ‘Who’s Gonna Drive Your Plow, Tonight’ … apologies to The Cars


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